Pangu Jailbreak Tool iOS With Download Links

Pangu jailbreak tool is safe to untethered jailbreak your iOS iPhone, iPad or iPod. A group called “PanGuTeam” or Pangu are Chinese hackers and they have released a jailbreak for iOS 7.
The new release and update of Pangu jailbreak tool iOS 7.1.1 is now available for Mac & Windows in English. Previously you could only use the Pangu iOS 7.1 jailbreak on Windows, but now the Chinese team of hackers have created the Pangu jailbreak tool for the OS X with interface rewritten in English.
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The Pangu Tool will jailbreak iOS 7.1- iOS 7.1.2 on almost any iOS device including:
▪ iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S & iPhone 4
▪ iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3 & iPad 2
▪ Retina iPad mini & iPad mini
▪ iPod touch 5G
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Popular and well-known iOS hackers around the world have confirmed by testing and running scans on the software saying it doesn’t contain any malware or spyware that could possibly damage your iPhone, iPad or iPod Apple device. The popular hackers include MuscleNerd of the evad3rs’ dev team that developed the popular evasi0n jailbreak for iOS 7 – iOS 7.0.6 and iH8sn0w, developer of Sn0wbreeze and p0sixspwn who developed the jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 – iOS 6.1.6.
Where to Download Pangu Jailbreak From:
The instructions below will help your use the Pangu Jailbreak Tool for your iPhone, iPad or iPod on either a Mac or Windows computer.
How to jailbreak iOS with Pangu:
Direct download link for the latest version of Pangu jailbreak tool:
Direct download link for all the older version of Pangu jailbreak tool:
- Pangu 1.0.0 [Windows]
Evasi0n Jailbreak Tool iOS iPhone Download Links
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