5 Alternatives to GTunes Music Downloader

A TechJunkie reader wrote in last week asking about GTunes music downloader and whether it was still in development. And, if it wasn’t what were some alternatives to it. As we regularly take questions from readers, we were only too happy to provide the answer.
GTunes music downloader looks like it is no longer in development and recent reviews show a constantly erroring app that crashes on every download. It is still available but recent reviews mention lots of errors. A quick test in the office also found that when you download a track the app crashes just like the reviews say.
So what music downloaders are available to take its place? Aside from the first suggestion, all of the services in the list are completely legal. The first one might be too, it isn’t clear. I have my suspicions but without evidence I don’t want to comment. If you know for sure which side of the law it stands, let us know in the comments.
Alternatives to GTunes music downloader
I’ll list a mix of apps here that could replace GTunes music downloader.
4Shared Music
4Shared Music is a decent alternative to GTunes music downloader that combines cloud storage with music downloads. Each user has 15GB of storage at their command to use as they see fit. You can then upload your own music to the cloud to access from anywhere or listen to other people’s music stored on their own cloud. It is a good app that seems to work well on Android.
4Shared Music says it has 12 million users which should provide a huge selection of music to search and listen to. Aside from the fact that 4Shared Music is not available on the Google Play Store, I do not know if this app is legal or not. It might be worth checking out before using it.
SoundCloud is huge, with millions of users and millions of albums and individual tracks to choose from. With the free account you can listen to music from all over the world with ads. With a premium account, you do away with the ads and can download music to your device to listen to as and when you please.
SoundCloud is a very well established service and a very accomplished one. Streams are of a very good quality, the app is polished, the UI very slick and the entire experience top class. You can also use SoundCloud across devices both mobile and desktop.
Spotify Music
Spotify Music is another top notch music app for Android and other devices. It too has millions of tracks and users and offers both free and premium accounts. You cannot download music with a free account but you can stream to the app or your browser. Buy Spotify Premium and you can download tracks to your device to listen to offline.
Like SoundCloud, Spotify is a very polished product. Stream quality is very good, the app is smooth and works well. Spotify has a huge community and lots of extra features to add to the experience.
Google Play Music
Google Play Music is Google’s own attempt to take market share away from iTunes and Spotify. It enables you to upload your own music as well as listen to playlists from other people and curated by Google themselves. There are millions of tracks and subscribe to a premium account and you can download music to your device.
The app is slick and easy to use and has the familiar look and feel of Android. As an added bonus, Google Play Music subscribers also get ad-free YouTube too.
Deezer is my final recommendation as an alternative to GTunes music downloader. It is a music service like these others with a slick app, millions of tracks, mixes and playlists. It also offers a free account that can stream music and a premium account that can download it for offline listening.
Deezer also offers the lyrics to tracks which is a nice touch. You can also import your own music and listen to live radio like the other services too. Deezer doesn’t offer anything these other’s don’t but is still worth checking out.
If you want to continue using GTunes music downloader, you can as it is still available for download. Otherwise, these other apps offer the same kinds of download features across a much wider range of music. If you manage to get GTunes music downloader working, or currently use it without it crashing, tell us how you did it below as the app itself is a good one to use.
Got any other GTunes music downloader alternatives to suggest? Tell us about them below if you do!
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