How to Find the iPhone Degree Symbol on the iOS Virtual Keyboard

When Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone, he lauded the device’s virtual keyboard as superior to then-prevalent physical keyboards thanks to its ability to dynamically change based on the needs of software. But just because the iPhone’s virtual keyboard is flexible, it doesn’t mean that certain symbols aren’t hard to find.
Once such example is the degree symbol, which is particularly relevant considering the crazy state of weather in recent months. While some apps, especially weather and math-based apps, put the degree symbol front and center, the standard iPhone keyboard layout hides it without much indication of where to find it.
To find the iPhone degree symbol, launch any app that brings up the virtual keyboard. Tap on the 123 modifier to bring up the numeric and symbols keyboard and tap and hold on the 0 (zero). After a brief delay, a pop-up will appear allowing you to choose the degree symbol. While continuing to hold, simply slide your finger or thumb over to the degree symbol until it’s highlighted in blue. Release to insert the symbol at your cursor’s location.
Note that while our screenshot demonstrates this feature in iOS 7, the degree symbol can be found via the same method on all supported versions of iOS and on all iDevices, including the iPad and iPod touch.
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