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Home Mobile Android Galaxy S Galaxy S9: How To Fix Red Eye

Galaxy S9: How To Fix Red Eye

If you have a Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone, you should fancy the idea of taking a lot of pictures with your smartphone. The reason for this is because it does not help you to save good memories but also because Samsung Galaxy S9 has one of the best cameras of any smartphone. But just taking photos is not enough because you will need a way of rectifying some obvious faults such as the red-eye. The red eye might be visible in some of the pictures that you already took on your Galaxy S9 because at that time you probably didn’t know how to fix the problem.
If you are eager to fix the red-eye problem on your Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone, the steps provided below should help you through this process. Make use of the “red-eye correction” camera fixture to correct and get rid of all the red eyes in the photos in your camera gallery.

How To Fix Red Eye On The Galaxy S9

  1. Before you can be able to access any settings and folders, you will need to ensure that your Galaxy S9 is switched on.
  2. Go to the photo Gallery app.
  3. Select any picture which has the red eyes on it that you would like to fix.
  4. Tap on your screen to bring up the options then select the Photo Editor.
  5. Proceed to the Portrait
  6. Tap on Red Eye then let the feature correct the red eyespots in the picture.
  7. You may need to direct the feature where to correct by highlighting the exact red eye spots on the picture.
  8. Repeat the same procedure for all the pictures with red eyes.

Repeating the above procedure in the exact same way will enable you to perfect your photos taken on your Galaxy S9 smartphone by getting rid of the annoying red eyespots. You will find this procedure fun and interesting to perform and it will generally improve the overall experience of your Samsung Galaxy S9 camera.

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Jenny Compton

Mar 23, 2018

83 Articles Published
