Galaxy S9: What Are H +, 3G, LTE, G, And E?

If you take a look at the status bar of your Samsung Galaxy S9, one of these symbols should appear next to the network bar indicator: G, H+. 3G, E, and LTE. If you do not know what these symbols represent, there’s no harm in getting to know their meanings so that you can better understand your Galaxy S9.
In this write-up, we will take a detailed look at the general explanations for these terms one after the other.
LTE or 4G
The LTE term represents the Long Term Evolution. As you probably know, the LTE data connection is the fastest mobile data connection method available on any smartphone, including the Samsung Galaxy S9. It is nicknamed 4G because it falls under the fourth generation of smartphones.
Whenever it pops up on your status bar, you can expect to experience the fastest speed with your mobile data connection possible through your network provider. With 4G, you can rack up download speed and upload speeds of about 21.6Mbit/s and 5.7Mbit/s respectively.
E or Edge
The Edge connection must have popped up on your status bar at least once on your phone’s status bar, and even though it typically means you are on a slower connection, it is in almost every spot in the United States.
With the Edge connection, users can rack up 109Kit/s upload speeds as well as download speeds of about 218Kbit/s. As you can probably tell, there is a gigantic difference compared to the LTE connection, so the Edge connection is suitable for watching videos.
The best you can manage is light surf pages on the Internet. Even with that, expect to experience significant time lags during your browsing experience.
3G or UMTS
Also another super-fast mobile data connection method, the 3G connection is slower than the two previously mentioned data connection options. On the Samsung Galaxy S9, users should be able to browse online on this type of connection with a maximum speed of 180Kbit/s for uploads and 380Kbit/s for downloads.
The HSPA connection method ranks as second on the list of the fastest data connection methods available on smartphones. With the H+, you can download at a speed of 7.5Mbit/s and upload content at speeds of up to 1.35Mbit/s.
This is undoubtedly the slowest data connection that is available on your Samsung Galaxy S9. With download and upload speeds of 53.6Kbit/s and 27Kbit/s respectively, chances are you might not even realize you have an internet connection.
Your best bet to connect with people on this data connection method is through the WhatsApp messaging platform without including pictures in your messages. Any other online activity will be borderline impossible to carry out on this type of mobile data connection.
Now that you are aware of the variety of data connection options available on your Samsung Galaxy S9, we hope you only ever enjoy the 4G and H+ connections.
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