The Always Up to Date List of Amazon Echo Commands – May 2020

The list of Amazon Echo commands is changing all the time as updates are delivered and clever people come up with new ways to use the device. With that in mind, this is TechJunkie’s current, most up to date list of Amazon Echo commands.
Amazon Echo devices have proven to be a huge hit over the years. The Echo Dot is an excellent evolution of the digital assistant. With the addition of the Echo Show and FireTV, there are even more commands.
List of Amazon Echo commands
I have collated a comprehensive list of available Amazon Echo commands from a variety of sources. They aren’t all my work as I have scraped other websites and Amazon itself to compile them.
Basic Amazon Echo commands
- Alexa, stop.
- Alexa, Shut up
- Alexa, volume 5. (0-10)
- Alexa, turn it down.
- Alexa, louder.
- Alexa, mute.
- Alexa, unmute.
- Alexa, repeat.
- Alexa, cancel.
- Alexa, help.
- Alexa, what time is it?
- Alexa, what’s the date?
- Alexa, wake me at 7 in the morning.
- Alexa set the alarm for 6:45 a.m.
- Alexa set the timer for 5 minutes.
- Alexa, how much time is left on my timer?
- Alexa, when’s my alarm set for?
- Alexa, cancel alarm.
- Alexa, stop alarm. (say while alarm is sounding)
- Alexa, snooze. (say while alarm is sounding)
- Alexa, switch accounts.
- Alexa, which profile is this?
Alexa media commands
- Alexa, what’s playing?
- Alexa, turn it up.
- Alexa, softer.
- Alexa, stop the music.
- Alexa, pause.
- Alexa, resume.
- Alexa, next song.
- Alexa, loop.
- Alexa, buy this song. (Amazon Music subscribers only)
- Alexa, buy this album. (Amazon Music subscribers only)
- Alexa, add this song. (Prime Music subscribers only)
- Alexa, I like this song.
- Alexa, thumbs down.
- Alexa, what’s my Flash Briefing?
- Alexa, what’s in the news?
- Alexa, send that to my Fire tablet.
- Alexa, send that to my tablet.
- Alexa, show this on Jon’s Fire.
- Alexa, play.
- Alexa, previous.
- Alexa, next.
- Alexa, resume.
- Alexa, restart.
- Alexa, play some Prime Music.
- Alexa, play music by ARTIST or BAND.
- Alexa, play Classical playlist.
- Alexa, add this song.
- Alexa, play ACDC on Prime music.
- Alexa, play Back in Black by ACDC.
- Alexa, play some jazz from Prime Music.
- Alexa, shop for new music by Adele.
- Alexa, what’s popular from Adele?
- Alexa, sample songs by Adele.
- Alexa, play samples by Elvis.
- Alexa, find You Give Love a Bad Name 80s music.
- Alexa, buy Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden.
- Alexa, play music by ACDC.
- Alexa, shuffle my chill playlist.
- Alexa, play my new music by Adele.
- Alexa, play ACDC.
- Alexa, play the song Jump by Van Halen.
- Alexa, play the album Appetite for Destruction.
- Alexa, play some jazz.
- Alexa, shuffle my new music.
- Alexa, play the song I just bought.
- Alexa, play some music.
- Alexa, play a country station from Pandora.
- Alexa, play the program Radiolab.
- Alexa, play the station NPR.
- Alexa, play 97.3 FM on TuneIn.
- Alexa, play Fox Sports on iHeartRadio.
- Alexa, play [podcast] on Spotify
Amazon Echo smart commands
- Alexa, how is traffic?
- Alexa, what’s my commute?
- Alexa, what’s traffic like right now?
- Alexa, what’s the weather?
- Alexa, will it rain tomorrow?
- Alexa, what’s the forecast this weekend?
- Alexa, what’s the weather in Dallas?
- Alexa, what will the weather be like in Dallas tomorrow?
- Alexa, what’s the weather in Dallas, Texas?
- Alexa, what’s the extended forecast for Dallas?
- Alexa, what will the weather be like in Dallas on Thursday?
- Alexa, is it going to rain on Monday?
- Alexa, what was the score of the Dallas Cowboys game?
- Alexa, did the Dallas Cowboys win?
- Alexa, when do the Dallas Cowboys play next?
Amazon Echo Random Questions and Commands
- Alexa, give me a hug.
- Alexa, high five!
- Alexa, give me a kiss
- Alexa, clap
- Alexa, tell me a secret
- Alexa, show me the TV.
- Alexa, you’re fat.
- Alexa, you hurt me.
- Alexa, not everything is a question.
- Alexa, I’m hungry.
- Alexa, you rock.
- Alexa, who wrote The Where The Sidewalk Ends?
- Alexa, tell me a joke.
- Alexa, Simon says, jump.
- Alexa, how many ounces are in a liter?
- Alexa, how tall is The Eiffel Tower?
- Alexa, what’s the capital of Romania?
- Alexa, how far away is the moon?
- Alexa, what was Elvis Presley’s first album?
- Alexa, what’s the square root of 32?
- Alexa, who is the lead singer of ACDC?
- Alexa, how far is it from here to Milan?
- Alexa, what’s the definition of death?
- Alexa, how many people live in China?
- Alexa, what is 9 miles in kilometers?
- Alexa, when is Thanksgiving this year?
- Alexa, how old is Santa Claus?
- Alexa, Wikipedia: Fantasy Football.
- Alexa, Wikipedia: IP routing.
- Alexa, add milk to my shopping list.
- Alexa, I need to make a doctor’s appointment.
- Alexa, put take out trash on my to-do list.
- Alexa, I need to buy new sneakers.
- Alexa, create a to-do list.
- Alexa, what’s the first rule of fight club?
- Alexa, can I tell you a secret?
- Alexa, what’s the magic word?
- Alexa, do you smoke?
- Alexa, are you smoking?
- Alexa, what is your favorite food?
- Alexa, are you hungry?
- Alexa, what is your feature?
- Alexa, do you have any pets?
- Alexa, who is your best friend?
- Alexa, what religion are you?
- Alexa, are you God?
- Alexa, are you evil?
- Alexa, what language do you speak?
- Alexa, am I funny?
- Alexa, can I tell you a joke?
- Alexa, what is happiness?
- Alexa, what size shoe do you wear?
- Alexa, what makes you happy?
- Alexa, are you working?
- Alexa, who’s on first?
- Alexa, flip a coin.
- Alexa, heads, or tails?
- Alexa, roll the dice.
- Alexa, a random number between “x” and “y”.
- Alexa, what number are you thinking of?
- Alexa, count by ten.
- Alexa, fire photon torpedoes.
- Alexa, live long and prosper.
- Alexa, open the pod bay doors.
- Alexa set phasers to kill.
- Alexa, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
- Alexa, take me to your leader.
- Alexa, does this unit have a soul?
- Alexa, rock, paper, scissors.
- Alexa, random fact
- Alexa, do you like green eggs and ham?
- Alexa, one fish, two fish.
- Alexa, what was the Lorax?
- Alexa, why do you sit there like that?
- Alexa, why do birds suddenly appear?
- Alexa, to be or not to be.
- Alexa, beam me up.
- Alexa, I am your father.
- Alexa, may the force be with you.
- Alexa, Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
- Alexa, Warp 10
- Alexa, party time!
- Alexa, inconceivable.
- Alexa, what is your quest?
- Alexa, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
- Alexa, your mother was a hamster
- Alexa, what is the sound of one hand clapping?
- Alexa, surely you can’t be serious.
- Alexa, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
- Alexa, elementary, my dear Watson.
- Alexa, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.
- Alexa, how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- Alexa, how Much Wood can a Wood Chuck Chuck, if A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Norris
- Alexa, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
- Alexa, what is the meaning of life?
- Alexa, when is the end of the world?
- Alexa, when am I going to die?
- Alexa, is there a Santa?
- Alexa, make me a sandwich.
- Alexa, what is the best tablet?
- Alexa, mac, or pc?
- Alexa, do you know Siri?
- Alexa, where do babies come from?
- Alexa, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
- Alexa, volume 11
- Alexa, do you really want to hurt me?
- Alexa, what is love?
- Alexa, who is the real slim shady?
- Alexa, who is the walrus?
- Alexa, where have all the flowers gone?
- Alexa, who let the dogs out?
- Alexa, who shot the sheriff?
- Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down?
- Alexa, what does the fox say?
- Alexa, never gonna give you up.
- Alexa, do you believe in life after love?
- Alexa, war, what is it good for?
- Alexa, more cowbell.
- Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?
- Alexa, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
- Alexa, show me the money!
- Alexa, I want the truth!
- Alexa, say hello to my little friend!
- Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
- Alexa, all your base belongs to us.
- Alexa, is the cake a lie?
- Alexa, what color is the dress?
- Alexa, how much is that doggie in the window?
- Alexa, do you know the muffin man?
- Alexa, why is a raven like a writing desk?
- Alexa, Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?
- Alexa, can you give me some money? (ask twice)
- Alexa, how do I get rid of a dead body?
- Alexa, do you want to build a snowman?
- Alexa, I think you’re funny.
- Alexa, where’s Waldo?
- Alexa, where are my keys? (ask two times)
- Alexa, testing 1-2-3
- Alexa, I’m home.
- Alexa, see you later alligator.
- Alexa, thank you.
- Alexa, good night.
- Alexa, sing me a song.
- Alexa, tell me a story.
- Alexa, do you know the way to San Jose?
- Alexa, who is the fairest of them all?
- Alexa, who you gonna call?
- Alexa, who loves ya baby?
- Alexa, who’s your daddy?
- Alexa, do you have any brothers or sisters?
- Alexa, what are you going to do today?
- Alexa, where do you live?
- Alexa, where are you from?
- Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?
- Alexa, do you have a girlfriend?
- Alexa, how much do you weigh?
- Alexa, what is your favorite color?
- Alexa, what color are your eyes?
- Alexa, will you marry me?
- Alexa, are you in love?
- Alexa, how tall are you?
- Alexa, what are you wearing?
- Alexa, do you believe in god?
- Alexa, do you believe in ghosts?
- Alexa, are you lying?
- Alexa, do you want to fight?
- Alexa, do you want to play a game?
- Alexa, winter is coming
Current Events
Aside from asking Alexa for your daily news briefing, she’s pretty good about keeping up with current events.
- Alexa, what is the coronavirus?
- Alexa, what’s the latest news about the Coronavirus?
- Alexa, what’s happening with the Coronavirus?
- Alexa, what’s my daily news briefing?
Echo Show Commands
With the introduction of the interactive touch screen, comes new commands.
- Alexa, what can you show me?
- Alexa, show me my pictures
- Alexa, show me pictures of animals
- Alexa, show me the security cameras
- Alexa, show me the weather
- Alexa, show me music videos on YouTube
- Alexa, show me a recipe (Food Network partnership)
- Alexa, add carrots to my grocery list
- Alexa, show me my grocery list
Fire TV
With the addition of Alexa to the oh so popular Fire TV, there are commands here too.
- Alexa, mute the FireTV
- Alexa, turn the volume up on the FireTV
- Alexa, turn the FireTV off/on
- Alexa, go to [channel] on FireTV
- Alexa, change the input to HDMI 3 on FireTV
This is an up to date list of Amazon Echo commands as of May 2020 so it should reflect most of the capabilities of the digital assistant. Know of any I missed?
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