Some Fantastic Quality Anime Wallpapers for your Phone or PC
Looking to brighten up your desktop or home screen? Here are some fantastic quality anime wallpapers for your phone or computer.
Despite having its origins in Japan, anime has a huge following in the west. Cartoons, computer games, graphic novels and all sorts of media are incredibly popular here and with good reason. The artwork is excellent, stories often very compelling and the characters are often well worth the emotional investment. Sometimes, the image just looks very cool regardless of anything else.
NSFW: Given the nature of certain aspects of anime, some of the websites I link to may contain images that are Not Safe For Work, or school, college or places where morality is an issue. Be careful out there!
Anime wallpapers for your phone or computer
I have searched around the internet to find sources of great quality anime wallpapers. The list that follows is the best that I found.
Zero Chan
Zero Chan has a huge collection of anime wallpapers. Almost 4,000 pages of them in a range of subjects, sizes, quality and genres. What they all have in common is quality. There are some seriously impressive images on this site that cover most aspects of anime and to suit all tastes. The site loads quickly and contains 20 or so images per page, I simply didn’t have the patience to scroll through every page but what I did see what impressive.
Wallpaper Tag
Wallpaper Tag usually features on my list of wallpaper sites as it consistently delivers what I need when I need it. When talking anime, the website doesn’t let me down. It doesn’t have the scale of Zero Chan but what it does have is superb quality images from across the genre. Some of the best anime wallpapers I have ever seen are on this page to I definitely recommend checking it out.
Deviant Art
Deviant Art is another of my go-to websites for anything arty. Not all the submissions are free to use but the vast majority of them are. This site also has the added benefit of offering the opportunity to have an printed on a t-shirt, postcard, coaster or just a print. There are NFSW images on here so be aware before you visit. Otherwise, there are thousands of top class images to choose from.
Hongkiat is a mixed media site like TechJunkie that covers everything from computers, phones and technology to social media, web apps, security and design. It also has an impressive collection of 60 anime wallpapers on the page I linked to. The quality is awesome and there are some on there that I have not seen before. If you’re even a little bit interested in the genre, these are worth checking out.
As you might expect, Imgur has a host of anime collections among the millions of images it hosts. Especially good ones include this anime collection, this one and this one. There are thousands of images on this site and these three collections represent some of the best of the anime selection on there.
The Forgotten Lair
The Forgotten Lair is an excellent resource for most things anime but especially the art. There is a section for desktop and phone wallpapers that contains some amazing artwork. I mean seriously good. Some of this stuff could win awards it is that good. The selection is varied and it appears the guy who runs the site creates all the work on it. Impressive!
The Anime Gallery
The Anime Gallery is exactly what you would expect it to be. A gallery of almost 200,000 anime images covering all aspects of the genre. Some are very good indeed too. There are some that aren’t as good, at least to my eye, but they are in the minority. The site is worth checking out if you’re looking for anime wallpapers anyway.
Minitokyo is an anime site that was recommended to me while canvassing friends for this piece. It is a massive repository of anime that covers every aspect of the genre that I can see. The quality is excellent, the range of subjects huge and it covers many popular games, stories and subjects while keeping the quality very high indeed. If none of the preceding anime wallpaper sites delivered what you’re looking for, this site will!
Reddit is my final submission for websites that provide anime wallpapers for your phone or computer. While r/anime is full of images, this page in particular boasts tens of thousands of images within the many links it contains. This page does warn of NSFW content so I will repeat that here but otherwise is a massive repository of anime wallpapers.