Animoji Problems and How to Fix Them

Animoji single-handedly captured everyone’s heart with it’s cute and enigmatic nature. However, iPhone X users around the world complain that there Animojis is malfunctioning from time to time. Don’t worry folks, RecomHub got your back.
For those who haven’t fully explored the features of your newly acquired iPhone X, then you’re missing half your life if with your lack of knowledge about Animoji. This cool feature made iPhone X’s predecessors look like a bunch of trash (LOL). Kidding aside, the feature itself is the proper example of the statement “when technology meets cuteness”.
Coming the words “Animated” and “Emojis”, Animoji captivated everyone’s heart, iPhone X or not iPhone X user, because of interactiveness. And just like an emoji, you can create and send one using your iPhone X, add it to a context, or just post it on your Social Media feeds. The Animojis can be utilized to create a sweet, funny, and salty messages to your family and friends incorporating your facial expressions with it, and transferring it into an animated robot, cat, dog, or if you’re a hardcore one, a poop!
You can also use it to animate your most favorite scenes from your favorite series, create a short clip from the music videos you’ve been listening to since you were a child, or even creating your own GIF reactions to impress your friends without an iPhone X (LOL!) Given the pure epicness Animoji brings to the table, the truth of the matter is, you can only utilize it if, and only if, it’s working well.
A lot of iPhone X users across the globe stated out the upon the usage of their Animojis, the feature suddenly stops in regards to their will. Sometimes, it freezes and fails to track their faces. Also, there are times that it stops or just skips.
If you’re one of the iPhone X users who has encountered the stuttering, freezing, failing and the inability to track your face, inability to send or just other malfunctions with your Animoji, then don’t worry too much. We’ve got some few tricks to help you get through it in the event that it happens. All you have to do is sit tight, jot down some notes, and carefully perform every step we’ll be teaching you.
So without further ado, here are the usual Animoji issues you may have faced or will face in the future — and how to solve accordingly!
Animoji Facial Expressions Detection or Head Movements Issue
Please note that Animoji demands some things to establish a proper face detection.
The better the light in the room, the accurate the detection is. The Animoji Features uses ARKit instead of the Face ID, and for the facial expression and head detection matching accordingly, it requires better lighting. Better lighting in a sense that your face should be visibly lighter on your iPhone X’s camera, not putting a flashlight on your face.
Fit your face in the box. There’s an accurate spot for the facial expression and head tracking that the Animoji feature will indicate on the screen with a yellow limiting box as its limit. You need to fully shoot your face inside that box and hold still while capturing.
Don’t move a lot, and stay still. The TrueDepth camera feature requires to track you the whole time when you’re creating an Animoji. With that said, it doesn’t matter how excited or dramatic your act is, you should still keep steady and stable with the position the TrueDepth camera of your iPhone X limits you to.
Animoji Stuttering or Freezing in the Middle of your Recordings Issue
If you want Animoji to detect your facial expressions and your head movements in a smooth flow, all you have to do is this:
Avoid having a background app when it’s in use. Animoji requires a lot of processing power so if you’ve been lately utilizing Ram-draining apps such as photo filters or your favorite games, force quitting them or even rebooting your iPhone X is essential if you want your masterpiece to be fully perfect and in top form.
Avoid unnecessary movements. Please, just don’t. Moving your face outside the TrueDepth camera’s sight — as limited by the bounding box, even minimal ones, — it will automatically stop detecting accurately your facial expressions and head movements.
How to Fix the Animoji-not-sending Issue
Now that you’ve perfectly captured your best performance with your iPhone X’s Animoji, and the last thing you need to do is sending it to your friends, yet your phone wasn’t able to send it, you need to:
On top, stay patient. Animoji is transferred as movie files and that shall take several minutes, sometimes an hour, to get prepared and uploaded (depending on your Internet connection, of course). To know how much time you got before it gets uploaded, take a look at the upper part of your Messages window a blue line. It indicated how near you are to the finish line.
Also, never switch. Apple has not yet released a fix for the bug in which, if you leave the Message app or switch to another conversation, the uploading of the video shall be halt. With that, your Animoji video shall fail to be sent, hence making it disappear. It’s a little pain in the butts, to be honest. Just be more patient and know that all great things require a little patience for it to occur.
Animojis have stormed the world with its fun, and interactive nature, making it one of the most used features in the recently launched iPhone X. But as the old saying goes, nothing is perfect, and no matter how advanced something is, there will come a time (or a bug) that shall cause it to stutter, freeze, stop, etc. So with that, proceeding to the tips we catered above shall get you through those situations. We hope that we have helped you with your iPhone X’s Animoji issues, and again, if you have any more questions regarding the topic, feel free to message us.
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