Best About Me Pages – 10 Great Examples

If you work in online marketing or a related field, you already know the basics – About Me pages should be powerful, descriptive, and they should draw people in. But this may not help everyone since the advice is too general.
There are some specific things you should know about just how important About Me pages are and how to create amazing ones.
A Cautionary Tale
About Me pages are meant to be subjective. People react differently to them depending on what they’re interested in.
For example, a tech geek may find Tesla’s About page very good. But if you’re mainly interested in what the Tesla experience is like, you won’t be too enlightened by the descriptions of the company’s history and its advances in electric cars research.
This is why it’s hard to make a top 10 list with the best About Me or About Us pages – there is no one-size-fits-all blueprint. But you can still arm yourself with some knowledge on what makes About pages stand out and then apply that knowledge in your niche.
Keep It Simple, Keep It Short
About Me pages should tell the complete story of a website or a blog. They are supposed to provide a summary and a brief overview of the person or company behind the page, as well as the content that lies ahead.
That is the main purpose of any About Me or About Us page. But while giving an accurate overview is important, there should be enough details included to draw readers in and make them interested in continuing to explore the rest of the content that the website has to offer.
What to Do Before You Start Writing
Before you start putting together a few paragraphs that describe you, your business, or your mission, it’s important to settle on first or third person writing.
Individual blogs and websites should always stick to first person writing and storytelling. Companies will generally benefit more from third-person storytelling, as it looks more professional.
Don’t Boast
It’s no doubt important to list some accomplishments that will establish you or your business as experts in the field with a voice worth listening to.
That being said, it’s also important to stay humble. If you have a list of 30 noteworthy accomplishments, only include a handful that is very impressive. No one wants to read an About Me page and feel like they’re reading a resume.
Know When to Be Funny
Witty content can do a lot to grab the reader’s attention. But you have to pick your moments and think about it from your readers’ perspective. If you have a cooking website, there’s plenty of room to be witty. If you run a non-profit that that spreads awareness of diseases, there’s no room for jokes in your About page.
When to Use Photos
If you have a personal blog or website, putting a photo of yourself in the About Me page of your website is very important.
If you’re claiming to be an expert in your field, then you should leave no room for doubt as to whether you can back up your claims or not. Putting a photo up is the first step towards establishing credibility. It can instill trust in some people, helping them put a face to the story.
The About pages of companies don’t always have photos. However, if you don’t have a separate page for contact information and headquarters information, then a nice picture of your office building could be a good choice.
Don’t Be Afraid to Revisit It
Life causes people to change. Time and new experiences may alter your belief system, your mission, or your thoughts on various matters.
Don’t be afraid to revisit the About section of your website to either remove, add or edit some of the information. Outdated info creates an impression of sloppiness and may disappoint readers looking for a specific type of product or service.
How to Approach the Content
In most cases, 250 to 300 words should be more than enough for an About Me or About Us page. Whether you’re an individual or a corporation, 300 words should cover the most important background information.
But what if you’re stumped about to how to start?
Think of yourself as sitting in front of an interviewer. What questions do you think that person would ask you during an interview?
Compile a list of plausible questions that relate to your persona and your area of expertise. Try to answer those questions in the About Me page.
If you lack inspiration, just use Google to find lists of popular interview questions in your field. You can also look at more general interview questions released by magazines, corporations, private studies, etc.
Answer them all and figure out which answers best describe you or your mission. Use those answers to come up with a few short paragraphs that can satisfy a wide range of readers.
Remember That It’s all Objective
Again, it’s hard to compare About Me pages from different niches. Not everyone is looking for the same type of information or the same style.
However, the tips in this article should help you create a stunning introduction for your first-time online visitors, regardless of the field you’re in. If you have any personal favorite About Me or About Us pages, let us know about them in the comments below.
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