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The Xbox One might be a generation behind gaming consoles but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s no longer a good device to have. In fact, with such a large library of amazing games to support it, you have more reason to get the console now that it’s selling at a cheaper price. If you love single-player experiences, you got a lot of them waiting for you on this console.
A good single-player game can help you sink in hours and hours exploring huge worlds and engaging in great stories. Contrary to what many say, single-player games ARE NOT DEAD. In fact, they are more alive than ever. That said, you might want to check out these amazing single-player games for the Xbox One right now.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is widely regarded as one of the best games of the previous generation. Thanks to its excellent storytelling and amazing gameplay, it’s fairly easy to see why it’s considered so. The game follows the journey of a famed Witcher named Geralt of Rivia. In the third entry, he’s set out to look for his adoptive child while preparing for the coming of the Wild Hunt. Some parts of the game will put players in the shoes of Geralt’s daughter, Ciri. It’s a long, winding game that you can sink hours upon hours of your time into. It’s not just the main campaign that will get you hooked, even the side stories are worth listening in on as well.
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has it all. An excellent combat system, a lot of things to do, RPG mechanics, an award-winning story, and much more. In fact, you can easily spend around 10 hours in the game simply playing the built-in card game called Gwent. There’s a lot to love about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Whether you’re an RPG lover or not, the game is going to be a good find, and thanks to the powerful Xbox One, you can get this game at its best.
When getting the game, make sure to get the Game of the Year edition. It includes the game’s DLCs, including the award-winning Blood and Wine expansion. This massive DLC adds a lot of new content to the game, including an entirely new story to experience and a new map to explore. Overall, you’re getting one of the best games of the past decade. It’s easy to see why this game is going to get a remaster on current-gen consoles. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best games out right now. It’s safe to say that it’s also one of the best single-player experiences that you can get on the Xbox One.
We’ve all heard about Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s that highly-immersive cowboy game from Rockstar Games. As one of the best games of the last generation, there are a lot of things to love about this title. The game is set in the Old West – during the last years of the cowboys. It follows the story of Arthur Morgan and John Marston as they face trials and challenges with their infamous gang. As one of the higher-ranking members of the gang, Arthur faces some serious decisions along the story, which would ultimately lead to a grand finale.
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Although the game is titled Red Dead Redemption 2, it actually serves as a prequel to Red Dead Redemption, which in itself was an amazing game. One of the best things about Red Dead Redemption 2 is that it takes immersion to a whole new level. There are lots of things to do on the game’s expansive map. You can hunt bounties, play poker, do all sorts of odd jobs, and more. To make things even better, the game even makes you rebuild the Van der Linde gang’s settlement.
Over time, you can see the settlement grow, and its inhabitants become even more satisfied with what’s around them. The game is highly praised for its immersion, but there’s no questioning just how good the story is. Many players will argue that the game features one of the best story-telling to date. It’s an emotional roller coaster, to say the least. Since the game features a separate story from the first game, you can fully enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2 without having to play the previous title. Red Dead Redemption 2 performs excellently on the Xbox One. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best games you’ll ever play. In terms of story, gameplay, and overall value for your money, this might just be the best game that your money can buy.
Gears 5 is the first Xbox One exclusive on this list. It is one of the staple franchises on the Xbox, and with such a long history behind it, it’s safe to say that the developers have finally found the formula that puts the franchise on its best outing yet. The game is a direct sequel of Gears of War 4. We’re going to go out of the way and say that if you want to fully enjoy this game’s story, you need to have played the previous 4 entries. However, Gears 5 can stand on its own pretty well.
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It follows the story of Kate Diaz as she helps defend the small remaining human population in a world called Serra. The game is a sci-fi shooter that features heavy themes and a lot of brutal executions. Needless to say, it isn’t for everyone. The Gears of War series is widely regarded for its cover-shooting mechanics and its fast-paced combat. That remains more or less the same in Gears 5. In fact, the developers have already perfected the formula on the console.
The result is an engaging and addictive shooter that comes with everything that fans have wanted to see from the franchise for a long-time. If you’re a Gears of War fan, the game is easily the best in the series. Aside from its engaging single-player campaign, Gears 5 also features a cooperative mode that sees you and your friends fend for yourselves against horde and hordes of aliens. It’s a very addictive part of the game and it’s a good step away from what the main campaign offers you. With that, you can play Gears 5 for a long long time without getting bored. Although the game is a few years old already, it’s still a pretty solid title. Gears 5 is a great exclusive on the Xbox One. Its gameplay is definitely top-notch, and if you’re a fan of the series, you can enjoy what this game offers to its fullest.
Hades is one of the hidden gems of 2021. Developed by Supermassive, this highly addictive rouge-like remains to be a testament to just how great indie games can be despite their limited budget. In Hades, you play the role of Zagreus. Your main goal is to go through the various stages of the underworld just to get out of it. Of course, this doesn’t sit well with Hades – the father of Zagreus. Along the way, Zagreus will have to fight through hordes of enemies, challenges, and bosses that are very intimidating. The premise is simple, but in this game, the story is only a backdrop. What you’re really after in Hades is its amazing gameplay.
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Hades is a rouge-like RPG that sees you going through the various levels of hell. There are waves of enemies to destroy. As you progress through the story, you can gain favor from gods like Athena to unlock new skills and bonuses for Zagreus. The game is simple enough, but what makes it exciting is the challenge and the spontaneity of the game. Not one run is going to be similar to another because you have new weapons and skills to mix and match.
Aside from being the winner of the Indie game of the year, Hades is also regarded as one of the best games of 2021 overall. It might not have a budget as high as other games on this list, but there’s no doubt that with Hades, you’re getting a cheap but well-worth-it game. It offers a lot of replay value which is only one of the reasons why it’s a beloved title by the gaming community. On the Xbox One, it runs particularly well. Hades in an indie hit. These don’t always come by, but if you really want a game that can break the boundaries of budget and development, this is it.
FromSoftware is known for its hardcore games, but it’s not just the difficulty level players are after. The developer also creates amazing games, and their masterpiece, at least for now, is Elden Ring. True to their design principle, Elden Ring is a very difficult game. However, it sets itself apart from previous games in the Souls series in many ways. The story of the game is just a bit on the backdrop. You play as the Tarnished, a person who was once banished from the Lands Between. Your goal is to find and beat all of the Shardbearers in hopes of restoring order to the world that was once peaceful and civilized.
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Since this is a Souls game, you’re not here for the story, are you? Elden Ring features a massive open world that you can explore to your heart’s content. What’s great is that each of the areas you explore comes with many dungeons to explore, bosses to beat, equipment to collect, and characters to meet. Aside from the main story, there are also lots of side quests that you can do. The game leaves a lot of activities to enjoy.
Although FromSoftware strayed from its typical formula when it comes to Souls-like games, they managed to pull off what could be the Game of the Year for 2022. As early as now, people are claiming that this is the game to beat. There could even be some DLC along the way, so you might want to get in on the action as early as now. Understandably, Elden Ring isn’t for everyone. It’s a hardcore game that comes with a lot of challenges. If you’re up for the difficult style of gameplay, then this is definitely the game for you.
Are you looking for your next JRPG? Then Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age might just be what you are looking for. It’s currently one of the best JRPGs that you can get right now. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age puts you in the shoes of the Luminary – a fabled hero that’s destined to save the world. Along the way, you come across a ragtag team of allies that will help you in your journey to drive out the darkness. As expected from a Dragon Quest game, the story of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age is as epic as it can get.
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It’s full of twists and turns, as well as memorable moments. Gameplay-wise, Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age features a standard approach to battles for JRPG. It’s a turn-based game, so the battles require a lot of strategy. Aside from that, the game features a ton of mini-games, sidequests, and a huge world to explore. This version of the game comes complete with new story elements and an entirely new questline that harks back to the old Dragon Quest games too. With Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age, you’re getting a very solid JRPG that’s packed with a great story and a lot of great gameplay elements. There’s a reason why it’s one of the best JRPGs to date.
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