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Can I Get a Refund From Amazon After a Price Drop

Can I Get a Refund From Amazon After a Price Drop

Picture this: You’ve been waiting for a deal on that wonderful thing for so long and, finally, your wait pays off. You get a fair price for your item only to find out that, days later, the price drops significantly. If only you had been a little more patient, your purchase would be that much sweeter. If this sounds like a nightmare scenario to you, you’re not alone. Many people continue to check prices on items after they make a purchase and are severely dismayed at the sight of future price drops.

Not all is lost, though, as there are some options for those unlucky enough to have this problem. If you’re an Amazon customer, you’ll learn about ways to take advantage of the lower price in detail. If you didn’t purchase from Amazon but are looking for a price drop refund, some of the information here may apply to you as well.

Amazon’s Policy

Amazon used to have a stellar price drop refund policy. Initially, customers could receive a post-purchase refund for up to 30 days after buying an item. This was an extremely popular service. Since prices can be very volatile, many customers used this service. So many, in fact, that Amazon had to soon change their policy.

How to Get Amazon Price Drop Refund

The 30-day price drop refund was shortened to a limit of 7 days from the date of purchase. Even this eventually proved to be too big of a hit on Amazon’s bottom line and was ultimately curtailed entirely. Amazon treats price drop refunds as price matching and their current policy on price matching is that it isn’t offered at all.

That may sound definitively grim, but Amazon is a company that knows the value of its customers. Consequently, there are still ways to get that refund, but they won’t be as straightforward.

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The sad fact is that you’re not entitled to a refund from Amazon for a post-purchase price difference. There’s no wiggle room about that, officially. There is some hope, however, because you’re a valued customer and Amazon wants to keep your business. If you plead your case convincingly enough, you may just get what you want.

If you’ve purchased an item and want a refund based on a price drop, head over to Amazon’s contact page. There you will be given the option to call or chat with a representative. This is where you’re going to have to know yourself a little. If you’re better over the phone, try calling them. If you like to communicate in writing, go for the chat option. Be as detailed as possible, and always be courteous. Remember, you’re not entitled to a refund, so you’re at the mercy of the representative.

Get an Amazon Price Drop Refund

There’s no guarantee that this will work. But if it’s your first time asking for it and you’re courteous, there’s every chance that they will refund the difference.

Credit Card Price Protection

Many large financial institutions continue to offer price protection on their credit cards. This means that if you use their card to purchase a product, and the price drops within a specified time period, you can file a claim for the difference.

Get Amazon Price Drop Refund

Since it’s likely that you used your credit card to purchase an item from Amazon, you can take advantage of this feature if your bank provides it. The policies will vary from bank to bank, so you’ll have to speak with a representative to get accurate information.

When you reach a representative, first you want to check if your card even offers price protection. If it does, find out if there are any eligibility restrictions and what the value limit is. Finally, get clear instructions for the process to file a claim.

If All Else Fails, Send It Back

The most obvious solution, but not at all a convenient one, is to repurchase the item and return the one you purchased before for a refund. This isn’t ideal for a lot of reasons, but it can be appropriate under the right circumstances.

To make this option worthwhile, you will probably want to use it on an item that received free delivery. Otherwise, the delivery cost won’t be refunded and may negate your savings. Also, consider the additional wait for another delivery and the time it takes to process the refund. If you can afford that, then this is an effective avenue.

Refunded but Not Forgotten

So there you have it. Unfortunately, Amazon is under no obligation to process a post-purchase refund. However, if you’re very polite and you don’t abuse it, they can make exceptions. On the other hand, if you’ve got the right credit card, you may very well be protected in that way. And if push comes to shove, don’t delay – just purchase the item again and return your original purchase for a refund.

What are your biggest buyer’s remorse stories? Do you keep track of item prices post-purchase, and do you think that’s good to do? Let us know in the comments below if and how you managed to get your price drop refunded.

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6 thoughts on “Can I Get a Refund From Amazon After a Price Drop”

Fernanda Valente says:
Very unhappy with trying to contact Amazon by phone and being put on hold for over 10 minutes.
Scott Peterson says:
I bought an exercise bicycle through Amazon for $695. Three weeks later I found they’d dropped the price to $595. Through their online I asked them to refund the difference. They refused. So I started the process to return the item and found that they would charge me $50 to ship it back if I returned it one of their stores. ($55 if they had to come to my house and pick it up). Needless to say Amazon is now last on my list for major purchases. With a little time spent online you can almost always find a better price.
Randy says:
Seven days to the day after receiving an order, the price dropped $20. I talked to Amazon by chat and to a manager by phone, but they wouldn’t refund the difference. They did offer to pay the shipping for the return ($30.00). Makes no since to me.
Laurie says:
I just had a very similar experience with Amazon and I’m very disappointed with Amazon’s policy in this regard.
Vivek says:
I just tried with customer support chat, to no avail. The price drop was nearly 60 percent only 2 days after my original purchase. The item was sold by Amazon.
Darin says:
Hi. I recently bought a commercial juicer for $659 and noticed the price went down $599. With the help of your website I thought I would ask Amazon to price match. After being the courteous person that I am and reluctance to want to return/refund the item, and being very cordial about the issue, the representative in the chat had to ask her supervisor, then came back with a ‘yes.’ I was promised a refund for $60.
Cassandra Scaggs says:
Very interesting. I just attempted to contact Amazon via the online chat to request the refund of an item that dropped by $9 each. I had ordered 4 of these backup batteries within the last 30 days. So I thought, “Hey its worth trying to get a refund on the difference, even if I have to return them and reorder them.” I attempted talking to the support team to see if they would just refund the difference and even pointed out to them that the return window being open until Jan 31, 2020 because of Christmas return timeline gives me plenty of time to return them. I tried to point out to them that it would be easier on them to refund the money vs spending the time/expense to send me new ones. My thinking was it would take people to take in the returns, and other people to pull the new items and then the shipping costs on top of that to send me those new ones, since I am a prime member, that shipping wasn’t going to cost me anything. Nope, they wouldn’t send me the $36! They instead would spend warehouse labor, at ~20/hr for taking in the items, labor to pull the items for the new ones to me, and then the shipping costs for the new set to me. All of that AND sending me the $36 for the return vs just sending me the $36. Sheesh. Sometime policies just don’t make sense!
Savvy Shopper says:
Actually, most items returned to Amazon don’t even go back into circulation to be bought again. They are dumped into a pallet and sold as a lot to people.

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Jessie Richardson

Jul 7, 2019

266 Articles Published
