Charging Paused: Battery Temperature Too Low On Galaxy S8 And Galaxy S8 Plus (Solution)
Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphones are equipped with what appears to be a very reliable battery. Nevertheless, every now and then, some users have to deal with a puzzling message warning that “Charging paused: Battery temperature too low“.
For those who know a little bit about these Li-Ion batteries and the way they work, the error is weird. That’s because this type of battery can only give you charging problems when you’re dealing with temperatures below 4°C.
Chances are you are not dealing with such temperatures when you’re not able to charge you Samsung Galaxy S8. This can only pinpoint that it’s not a real temperature problem and not a real battery problem, but rather a faulty thermistor responsible with reading the battery’s temperature.
Since you cannot expect to be able to use your smartphone as long as you cannot charge it, you should fix this problem no matter what.
Here are our top 3 suggestions on how to deal with a battery temperature too low error:
Charge the battery with the device turned off
Apparently, this works for many Samsung Galaxy S8 users out there. Charging the smartphone while being completely turned off seems to somehow ignore the low-temperature notification and do a full charge without problems.
Use a new USB charging board
Buying a new charging board is another decent workaround, especially with the faulty thermistor being placed precisely on the USB charging board. By doing so, you are basically replacing the faulty hardware component, though you will need to be very careful when replacing the USB charging board yourself. When you’ve performed the change, boot up your Samsung Galaxy S8 and see if you can properly charge it or not.
Claim your warranty or just pay for professional servicing
If you’re still getting the error even after changing the malfunctioning piece, you should really consider getting professional help. In the event that your Samsung Galaxy S8 is still under warranty, by all means, you should claim it. Even if not, paying to have your smartphone evaluated by an authorized technician is probably the best call. There’s really nothing you can do on your own from now on, at least not without tearing down the device yourself, which isn’t something you will want to do.
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