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How To Contact Craigslist Support

How To Contact Craigslist Support

Although the software platform has never been the most modern and is definitely showing it’s age, Craigslist remains one of the most popular websites on the Internet. More than 60 million people use the site, whether to find an apartment, look for a job, sell off some garage goodies, or something else. Most of us use Craigslist for one reason or another. To find an apartment, to sell old stuff or for something else. With more than 80 million ads posted every month, statistics make it inevitable that something go wrong at some point. When you need help with Craigslist, finding support isn’t always the easiest thing. I wrote this article to show you how to get help from Craigslist support, as well as to provide some tips for handling more common issues yourself.

Craigslist support

There are a couple of ways you can get help on Craigslist. If you’re looking for anything other than self-help guidance, you’re going to need to search for it as it is buried as deep within the website as it is possible to bury something. A good place to start is the help page on the site itself.

The help page tries to direct you according to your issue, technical, scams, spam, press, law, security, harassment and so on. Some subpages have suggestions for you to help yourself. If your query still isn’t addressed, select one of the questions within the page and a Contact Us link should appear.

Here’s the bad news: unless your issue indicates some major problem with Craigslist’s own software, you aren’t likely to get a lot of help from the site. Craigslist only has about 50 employees, and most of those people aren’t working in customer service.

How to handle Craigslist annoyances yourself

I’m not trying to put down Craigslist here. Their support team works hard and tries their best to deal with the issues that come up, but the reality is that the site is mostly automated and mostly relies on users taking care of their own problems. The support team is overworked, if not underpaid. While I’m sure they do their best, they also have hundreds of other people to try to help. If there is a chance you can help yourself, I would take it.

Here are some common Craigslist issues that you can manage on your own.

Issues with buyers or sellers

If you have an issue with a buyer or seller, contact them yourself to try to work things out. There are lots of instances where a genuine mistake or listing error has been sorted out with a quick email and everything works out fine. There are of course lots of instances where it doesn’t get worked out, but at least you tried.

Delete a Craigslist post

If you need to delete your post, you can do it yourself.

  1. Log into Craigslist.
  2. You should land on the Postings page which will list all of your current ads.
  3. Select the ‘delete’ link next to the ad you want to remove.
  4. Confirm on the next page by selecting Delete.

Craigslist blocked your IP address

If you regularly post ads without an account, there may come a time when your IP is blocked by Craigslist. This can be because your competition flagged you as a scammer to get rid of your listing, which happens a lot. It can also be because Craigslist’s systems mistakenly thought you were a scammer, which also happens a lot.

You can either use a different Wi-Fi network, use a VPN or email Craigslist direct at

Unwanted spam or calls after an ad

Some Craigslist users have an odd habit of saving phone numbers and email addresses and using them long after an ad has been removed. Usually these are to sell services or for spam. You have a couple of options here. You can use a burner phone for Craigslist listings. This is useful if you regularly lurk on the site. You can also block spam numbers in both Android and iOS if you need to.

Deal with spam emails in the usual way. Ignore and delete.

Reset your Craigslist account password

A common issue that most support teams have to deal with is to reset passwords. The website has a way to self-service password changes which is much faster than waiting in queue or going through multiple voice messages when calling the company direct.

  1. Visit the Craigslist site.
  2. Select Login at the top of the page.
  3. Select Forgot password? on the next page.
  4. Enter your email address and select Reset Password.
  5. Wait for the email to arrive and click the URL within it to reset your password.

Delete your Craigslist account

If you have simply had enough and no longer want a Craigslist account, you need to contact Craigslist support direct. You can also anonymize the account to render it useless and then forget about it if you prefer.

  1. Log into Craigslist.
  2. Go to your account page and replace all entries with gibberish.
  3. Select Save when done to replace all your account details.

There you go. How to contact Craigslist support and how to fix several issues on your own. Got any Craigslist tips you want to share? Tell us about them below if you do!

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27 thoughts on “How To Contact Craigslist Support”

Arthur R. Shoffner says:
When I type in the ID # of a Vehicle ..It does not come up anymore ??
Does the ID numbers still work ???
Tom says:
After posting my ad for almost 6 months, I’ve been blocked. No reason was given. I’ve tried a new log on name and a VPN with a new IP address, but I’m still getting blocked at the credit card page. After entering my CC number, expiration date and security code, I get a “Card Declined.” Error number: [1014164994] I have tried 3 different CC’s. They are all active but they all fail. Any suggestions?
robert oland says:
I have trying for one week to be able to email a seller. All I get is Page Not Availble.
Brek M. says:
Haven’t been able to access the site for several days. What seems to be the problem?
robin smith says:
Haven’t been able to access the site for several days. What seems to be the problem?
Ted Killian says:
Not able to get phone numbers from ads by using reply. I get an error message. What do I do? Someone may have to call me at 575-313-3590
Patricia Graham says:
I am having a great deal of difficulty paying for my craigs list ad. Please email me or phone me: +523221054325, or email me as per below.
anything i put on is not going on
David Bross says:
I posted an ad on Craigslist but there is no way a buyer can contact me!
Steven Remer says:
Cant see my post
Please help
Ornie T Light Jr. says:
why is all my post getting removed
Chuck Montgomery says:
Want to know if I can post swords for sale
John Nelson says:

I need to see a listing from a couple of weeks ago about a car.

The car is a 21012 bmw 35i x5x drive

VIN Number suxzv4c59cl989540

his name is Mike Lien

6716 timber Lane

Eau Claire, Wi.

Please help me. I need the entire add he put on Craigs list tyvm.

My e-mail is — tmann_

Name John Nelson 518 W N Water st

Neenah Wi. Phone 920-725-7587

I also have a craigs list account.


Anita says:
How do I PERMANENTLY remove listing after I have deleted them. I have items listed back 9 pages that are things that have been sold that I would like to take off.
Jack a JENERETTE says:
interested in a motor home cant figure out i can call them
Eve says:
Can someone help me? My vacation rental is being listed by someone else! The person put up five listings I can find so far. How do I get it off of there?
Receda Ky says:
Craigslist has gone to the dogs. Not the professional organization it used to be, or ever will be again. You can’t get a reply from them even though you’ve posted a legitimate ad looking for a house and job. HOWEVER, the porn that lives on their site is never “flagged for removal” that tells me Craigslist has gone down the sewer.
Taylor Ford says:
Why are my postings being Removed within 10 minutes after I post them and then repost them?
Mark Cripe says:
I am trying to find a one bedroom in Asheville, NC. When selecting reply in order to respond, I get an error message that reads, “sorry, something went wrong” what is happening???
Tom House says:
When I attempt to contact a seller I get a message that says “Sorry, something must have happened” What’s up with that
Randy says:
I am trying to post an as for a truck. It does not give me a box or spot to enter the language of posting
Lisa Harville says:
i have sent 3 emails to craigslist and cannot get a response except for automated. I have several emails and it wont let me use them because 1 of them has my phone number but when i try to use any of them it tells me the same. I can’t get anyone to answer me about how to get the right address to post.
don says:
no disrespect meant but Craig list can do something about all the scam adds on its site if they wanted too it easy for them to hide and with no way of contacting them that shows the don’t want to know any thing about the scams
don b mcdougal says:
if Craig list really cared about there site they would stop the stammers instead if i flag a add its riposted seconds latter all the have to do is read the post themselves a any job offer asking you to wrap your car is scam
Tony Rocco says:
I agree. The site is a shadow of its former self. No personal ads, no erotic services and nil support. I can’t post anything to CL now without it being immediately flagged and removed. I hardly use it anymore and I used to use it all the time.
Brett says:
Hey I’m trying to email Roomate but keeps saying try again but won’t let me email any roommate
Jesus Lorenzo says:
I’m on craigslist n I click on reply button to see contact info and it wont let me. Why is that?
Mike Mattes says:
Why am I always being blocked on this site of yours I am doing nothing wrong but yet some people do not like me on your site, so please would you let me back on your site.

Yours truly, Mike

Chirag Patel says:
Someone prank with my number in listing grand Cherokee Jeep and I got lots of call , I don’t have any account with you guys please this is my humble request to you please remove my number is 973 931 9313
Susan Jackson says:
Please stop the posting of animals for free and for sale. Many are being gotten to abuse and to kill.

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Aug 18, 2018

943 Articles Published
