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How to Disable Email Attachment Previews in Mac OS X Mavericks

How to Disable Email Attachment Previews in Mac OS X Mavericks

A reader recently asked us about disabling the Mail attachment preview feature in OS X. Mac users know that Apple’s Mail app has long provided users with live in-line previews of attachments in email messages, such as images and PDFs. While this can be useful in many cases, some users, like our inquisitive reader, don’t like the feature and would rather have attachments appear as simple icons.

OS X Apple Mail Attachment Preview

An Apple Mail email message with the attachment previewed in the message body

As soon as I heard the reader’s question, I immediately remembered a Terminal command that would do exactly this. I searched through my notes and found the following command:
defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

I fired up Terminal, pasted in the command, executed it, and then closed and relaunched Mail. No dice. It didn’t work. So I went ahead and did a full system reboot. Still no luck.
Apparently, this command no longer works in OS X Mavericks, and some more searching left me without any simple solutions. Thankfully, there’s still a way to get rid of Mail’s attachment previews, but it requires some third party software.
Enter Attachment Tamer from Lokiware. This $15 app has been around for years and performs a number of Mail attachment-related functions in addition to eliminating in-line previews. Specifically, it helps format Apple Mail attachments for better compatibility with Windows users, forces full attachment filenames to display instead of the standard truncated versions, and can let users set file size limits for attachment previews (such as show images smaller than 100KB as a preview, but display as an icon any that are over that size).

OS X Apple Mail Attachment Preview

An Apple Mail email message with the attachment displayed as an icon

There’s just one caveat, however. The same changes in Mavericks that neuter the above Terminal command also impose challenges on Attachment Tamer’s developer. The app must be specifically updated to support new versions of Mavericks, and users need to obtain a special pre-release build for compatibility. As an example, using the current pre-release build, Attachment Tamer works great on our production Mac running OS X 10.9.1. But it doesn’t work at all on our test Mac running the latest developer build of OS X 10.9.2.
Most Mac users aren’t running pre-release versions of OS X, however, so Attachment Tamer should work out well for those who need it. Just be sure to check with Lokiware before updating to a new version of OS X to avoid a temporary loss in Attachment Tamer functionality.
So, to recap, if you’re on OS X Mountain Lion or below, try the Terminal command listed above to get rid of attachment previews in Mail. If you use the above command and ever want to revert back to the default behavior, simply use this command (make sure to quit Mail before using either command):

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool no

If, however, you’re running OS X Mavericks, give Attachment Tamer a shot. It’s not free, but $15 is a reasonable fee for freeing yourself from distracting attachment previews in Mail.
Note: While our discussion above focused on disabling attachment previews for all messages, users can manually disable the preview for any particular attachment by right-clicking on it in Mail and selecting View as Icon. Note, however, that this is only temporary and that the image previews will reappear the next time the user opens or views the email.

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8 thoughts on “How to Disable Email Attachment Previews in Mac OS X Mavericks”

aussiejim says:
Hurray I have been unable to see attachments in mail yet I can see them in webmail, outlook, even thunderbird and this command line you provided works in OSX Sierra. defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes
Thank you so much
GarthOlcese says:
Reason number zillion why my current Mac is my last. Not that PCs are better. But they don’t charge you 25% more and claim to be super user friendly, when they are not.
Elaine @ OMG Lifestyle Blog says:
Is the preview pane the same as opening an email? Is that why I continue to get spam from spammers as they realize they have a live address and just keep changing their address to bypass my junk mail folder?
Suehttam Ginerb says:
Maybe you should have a look at a little plugin written by Clive Galeni. It can be downloaded from
It worked for me!
Voronoi T says:
this is ridiculous, for just this simple thing do i have to pay $15?
Mitzi Vaughn says:
Thank you for the undo code; the fix turned my signature image into an icon. :(
einsteinbqat says:
Using Mavericks, and Mail 7.3. The Terminal command does work, at least it is on my computer.
Emir Smith says:
What a crock of sh.t that users as always dont have the ability to do what THEY want with the software that apple provides, seriously, who said most users WANT to be FORCED to see the attachment right in the middle of their email.. I just want to attach a file and the icon to be shown to users that it’s an attachment, not an in-body attachment in the middle of my words.. but the apple fanbois continue to love their products and this makes people like you have to offer solutions that cost money, for a simple fu.kng option as simple as turning off attachments preview.. thank you Mozilla Thunderbird, for being a normal email software, for free.

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Jim Tanous

Feb 21, 2014

675 Articles Published
