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How to Enable Dashboard in OS X Yosemite

How to Enable Dashboard in OS X Yosemite

The OS X Dashboard, now 10 years old, is an afterthought for most Mac users. We’ve previously written about how to disable Dashboard in OS X Mavericks, although it required the use of a Terminal command. In OS X Yosemite, Apple has chosen to keep Dashboard as part of the operating system, but the feature is disabled by default. If you’re a longtime Mac user who still uses and loves Dashboard, here’s how to enable it in OS X Yosemite.
Although Dashboard is disabled by default in Yosemite, Apple has elected to provide an easy to use System Preference option to enable and disable it — no need for Terminal commands here! If you’ve just installed Yosemite and want to enable Dashboard, head to System Preferences > Mission Control.
OS X Yosemite Mission Control
Here, you’ll see a new drop-down menu labeled Dashboard. Options include Off, As Space, and As Overlay.
OS X Yosemite Enable Dashboard
Off, as you may guess, completely disables the feature, while the other two options provide different ways of viewing the Dashboard. As Space displays Dashboard in its own special Mission Control space, to the left of your primary desktop. In order to view any of your Dashboard widgets while in this mode, your screen will slide to the left to view the Dashboard space.

OS X Yosemite Dashboard As Space

The Dashboard in OS X Yosemite configured to display as a Space.

As Overlay is the “traditional” Dashboard view, which dims your current desktop and brings your Dashboard widgets down on top of the window. Its main advantage is that it allows you to still see your Desktop and apps in the background while you work with Dashboard widgets.
OS X Yosemite Dashboard As Overlay

The Dashboard in OS X Yosemite configured to display as an Overlay.

To make your choice and enable Dashboard, simply select the desired option from the System Preferences drop-down menu. There’s no need to reboot or log out for the change to take effect. We can’t say for sure how long Apple will keep Dashboard around, but if you find yourself in need of the service in Yosemite, you can quickly enable it with just an easy trip to System Preferences.

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6 thoughts on “How to Enable Dashboard in OS X Yosemite”

Adrian Sherwood says:
Thanks Its done.
TheDashboard says:
The Mac OS X Dashboard Development is still alive ;-) If you Google for GameWidgets( ) or DashboardGmer( ) to find amassing Unity3D or classic Retro Games. Or search for MacWidgets, Pimp my Dashboard, DashboardApps or DashboardCandy. Just to name a few…Enjoy the good old Mac OS X Dashboard as it was…
animoller says:
Thanks! This fixed it :)
Will Killyou says:
Love Dashboard!! Most efficient use of space simple and FAST!! FAST!!! I hate IOS integration but that is where they are going! I dislike large phones find them to be obtrusive I want small and functional. I have been programing since microcomputers came on the scene with the old Fairchild Machines, had a number of Apples from the Apple II days too, guess I am a luddite.?
[anonymous] says:
Why do that dashboard widgets still look like they did in 2007, or whenever they came out? There aren’t that many, why couldn’t Apple give them the latest design cues so they complement Yosemite? Are they trying to replace this feature (probably with Notification Center) and kill it off by neglecting it?
TekRevue says:
They’re clearly getting ready to kill it off. There has been no significant attention paid to Dashboard since Snow Leopard. It’s basically just been passed on as an afterthought in Lion and above.
Will Killyou says:
Who cares what they look like, they work! The fastest way to get instant info on stocks, weather, Ski report, system info (via I-stat Pro widget), whats playing at my local theaters, monitor flight departures / arrivals with flightcom widget, translate text fast, and do conversions. I can all of this information at the SAME TIME, almost instantly by setting up the dashboard and widgets. I also have OS/x configured so that the dashboard comes up by dragging the arrow to the lower right corner. I just drag the arrow to the lower right corner, Dashboard emerges instantly and instantly i see the weather, all of my stocks and everything else mentioned. Easy, uncluttered, FAST, VERY FAST!! The best part is that it does not occupy precious desktop space where i am working or shift my desktop so when I am involved working on something the distraction to check this information is very minimally distracting. A great feature!
Ooooh, why did they not up date the look, the colors, ooooh.. your a Pillock!!
[anonymous] says:
I respect their function over their appearance. I’m just baffled as to how a company like Apple who often emphasises appearance would let this slide.
Will Killyou says:
clearly they do not want to support it. Apple is NOT computer minded anymore much less computer centric.
TheDashboard says:
To Apple: Stop messing around with the OS X as it is. Stop the iOS hype and continuity nonsense on the Mac. Are falling sale figures not a clear message, Mr Cooks? Bring back the Dashboard Development, update Dashcode and make Dashboard Widgets downloadable from the Mac App Store. WE HAVE ENOUGH !!!
Will Killyou says:
I remain on Snow Leopard because of the stupid IOS and even worse social media bloat associated with their subsequent OS’s. I do not hate change per se, I hate change that does not add real value, or causes to much disruption or is too frequent. Since Snow Leopard Apple releases have to all mentioned!

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Jim Tanous

Oct 7, 2014

675 Articles Published
