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Home Mobile How to Enable Verizon Voice Over LTE (voLTE) on the iPhone 6

How to Enable Verizon Voice Over LTE (voLTE) on the iPhone 6

How to Enable Verizon Voice Over LTE (voLTE) on the iPhone 6

One of the main disadvantages of using the iPhone on a CDMA network like Verizon Wireless has traditionally been that users could not make telephone calls and use mobile data simultaenously. With the rollout this week of Voice Over LTE (voLTE), not only will this will no longer be an issue for Verizon customers with compatible smartphones, it also provides improved call audio quality with something Verizon markets as “HD Voice.”
When it comes to iPhones, Verizon’s voLTE service is limited to the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus as part of the company’s new “Advanced Calling 1.0” initiative. If you have one of those devices, or if you’re planning to pick on up in the future, you’ll need to manually enable voLTE services. To do so, first make sure the iPhone is activated and connected to Verizon’s LTE network. Then head to Settings > Cellular > Enable LTE.
Enable voLTE Verizon iPhone 6
By default, the Enable LTE option will be limited to “Data Only.” Tap on “Voice & Data” to enable voLTE. Note that it may take a few minutes for the process to complete. With our test device here in Erie, Pennsylvania, for example, it took a good three minutes to get going.

Update: Enabling “Voice & Data” on your iPhone should be all you need to enable the feature on your account, but some users are reporting that they needed to first enable Advanced Calling 1.0 on their Verizon Wireless accounts before their iPhone would accept the change. To check your own account, log in to your Verizon Wireless account and head to Manage My Account > Change Features. Scroll down until you see Advanced Calling 1.0 and HD Voice and make sure they’re enabled.

Verizon Wireless Advanced Calling
With voLTE enabled, we were able to access mobile data while on a phone call, and a few test calls sounded slightly better. The audio quality improvements weren’t nearly as good as a high quality VoIP call (such as Skype or FaceTime Audio), but the ability to browse and talk will surely be welcomed by many Verizon customers.
Don’t have an iPhone? Verizon voLTE is also currently supported on the Samsung Galaxy S5 and LG G2.

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13 thoughts on “How to Enable Verizon Voice Over LTE (voLTE) on the iPhone 6”

Mark F says:
This sucks for Straight Talk customers having Samsung Galaxy Core Prime from Verizon. You can’t activate voice over LTE without valid Verizon account, which as a ST customer, of course, I do not have. My wife has HTC Verizon Desire 612 and she is using it on ST and she has VoLTE no problem. After hours on chat with Verizon, ST, and Samsung, no one helped me. Verizon needs to allow for straight talk SIM cards to have verizon IDs that can be registered for VoLTE access for capable devices with settings menus that require activation for VoLTE.
ali says:
I’d love to see this become main stream. For example 2GB a month for $30 for all your connection needs. Data, voice, text messaging, etc. It’s more than possible, and it would save users money. I made 8 phone calls last month and 70 texts. Most of my texts are iMessage through wifi. There’s no reason for me to have a “voice” plan or a “messages” plan. I used about 1.08 GB of data, so there’s plenty of room on my data for additional services.
Guest says:
I have VoLTE on my note 4…
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GoHurdler says:
Will Verizon Wireless force grandfathered unlimited data plan customers off their plans if they decide to activate Voice Over LTE on the current iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus or any other future phones with the VOLTE feature even if purchased at full retail price? Or will grandfathered unlimited data plan customers still be allowed to retain their plans if they purchase a VOLTE phone at full retail price as they currently are allowed to do with 4G LTE phones?
Death Becomes Me says:
Volte isn’t a unlimited data killing feature so you should be safe
Death Becomes Me says:
I have no one with another iPhone to test this with. Do calls sound better?
TekRevue says:
Having used it for a few days, I can report that calls to other Verizon phones using HD Voice sound great, but there is only a slight improvement when calling via voLTE to a non HD Voice device.
hill180 says:
Am I the only one to comment on how bad the VoLTE service is? I have the Iphone 6 and Verizon and was getting failed calls, dropped calls, bad reception, using VoLTE. Had to stand outside (felt like other carriers) This is not a dig on Verizon. The service is more beta right now. Love the call control, and data/voice. It’s just not ready for mainstream, but I don’t think Verizon is rolling it out that way. Of course we don’t know if it bad LTE coverage/penetration, or the VoLTE servers.
Jason says:
The Advanced Calling1.0 feature says
“HD Voice delivers natural-sounding calls when both parties are using HD Voice-enabled phones, connected to the Verizon 4G LTE network. When HD Voice is added, Video Calling is also included on Video Calling-enabled phones.”
So, is this to enable calling between enabled phones in addition to calls going to HD enabled phones or is voLTE calls to non-HD enabled phone not supported?
hill180 says:
Enabled AC 1 will make all your calls go over LTE. So you can call anyone any carrier. If the other verizon phone has HD Voice, then the call will be in HD Voice. (Outside of VZW, I am not sure with HD Audio)
qwerty1 says:
“Right now, it appears Verizon’s voLTE service is limited to the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus”
No, Samsung Galaxy S5 and LG G2 also support it.
TekRevue says:
Yes, that’s correct. As this is an iPhone-focused article, my intention was to say that “of the iPhones, support is limited to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.” I’ll update the article to clarify that.
Turbojacket says:
I’d love to see this become main stream. For example 2GB a month for $30 for all your connection needs. Data, voice, text messaging, etc. It’s more than possible, and it would save users money. I made 8 phone calls last month and 70 texts. Most of my texts are iMessage through wifi. There’s no reason for me to have a “voice” plan or a “messages” plan. I used about 1.08 GB of data, so there’s plenty of room on my data for additional services.
xiromisho says:
….So let me get this straight.
Verizon has swapped since 2001 and now instead of unlimited data and a set amount of voice they offer limited amounts of data and unlimited minutes….
Why would I want this? Why would I want to push voice over the data network of my phone so that it uses my Megs for the phone conversation in an area that clearly has enough signal to make a phone call (if you have LTE you have flawless phone signal…).
So…. why would you do this? Why would someone invent this? Over Wifi I get. That makes sense. Maybe you have poor reception in your house and using the home WiFi signal to push VoIP through would provide a better connection than the tower does… Again we’re making sense…
But I do not get the Voice over LTE thing… I Guess anything to get you to use up that limited data huh?
iamcody says:
Something can connect to the LTE network and not be billed as Data. Everyone with a limited Data plan will have 100% access to VoLTE for exactly $0.00 in data charges. VoLTE calls will be charged as minutes such as any other phone call.
timothytripp says:
Thanks so much for this info! I was thinking Verizon just hadn’t rolled it out and was excited to see that it was something I could just enable. Took about 60 seconds for the “wait” spinner to stop once I’d enabled voice and data. FYI I checked my Verizon Wireless account and it had already added HD voice there so I think that’s the default (I definitely hadn’t turned it on previously). Once the setting said “Voice & Data” I tried making a call and was able to (FINALLY) access my web browser while I was on the call and WiFi was turned off! Now we finally get Verizon voice call quality without having to use the crappy CDMA network limitations! Been waiting many years for this moment…

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Jim Tanous

Sep 21, 2014

675 Articles Published
