Is Facebook Viewpoints Legit?

Earning money through one of your favorite social networks may sound too good to be true. But it is.
In 2019, Facebook launched a new app – Facebook Viewpoints. The app was designed to research the market and collect valuable information through surveys, product testing, and more.
According to the promotional video released from Facebook, your task is to help the company shape the future of technology, and in doing so receive a reward.
What’s the reward, you may be wondering? Keep reading to find out!
Why Would You Want to Earn Points?
The first survey Facebook made available on Viewpoints was the Well-Being Survey. In all, you needed around 15 minutes to complete it. After doing so, you earned 1,000 points. These points were supposed to end up on your PayPal account converted into $5.
This app is legit and still available on the App Store and Google Play Store, but it may not be available in your country. Currently, it’s only available to U.S. citizens. You need to be at least 18 years old, or more, if the law in your state requires so. You can only have one account on the platform. If you haven’t registered on PayPal, now’s the time to do so because you’ll need an account to get paid.
These requirements may depend on a specific program or your location. It’s important to know you can opt out of this program any time if you decide you don’t want to participate anymore. You can delete your account by selecting the Delete account option from the Account menu within the app. However, since this means you lose your points and you won’t be able to log in to the account again, think about it carefully before you do it.
How Do You Sign Up?
You can quickly join Facebook Viewpoints in a few steps. Visit the Google Play Store or App Store, download the app, and create an account. You need to provide personal information, but Facebook promises to keep your data private and not share them with third parties.
How Do You Earn Points and Turn Them Into Money?
You can complete different surveys and tasks that carry a different number of points. When you reach a specific number, the points are converted into $5 that Facebook deposits into your PayPal account. The points are then erased, and you start from zero.
Before you start with any task or survey, you’re notified about the number of points it can bring you. You’re also provided with an explanation of how you should complete the program, so you need to follow the instructions to earn the points.
Typically, you receive the money in 7-19 days after you’ve reached the number of points required for a reward. If your PayPal account is verified and you still haven’t received the payment, contact either PayPal Help Center, or Facebook Viewpoints Payment Support.
In case you earn more than $600 within one calendar year, Facebook will send you a 1099 form, and you’ll need to report your income to the IRS and pay taxes.
The Destiny of Viewpoints’ Predecessor
Viewpoints isn’t the first app Facebook has ever launched to research the market. In 2018, Onavo Protect was shut down, while in January 2019, Facebook had to shut down their second try as well. The app was called Facebook Research, and it was available for Android and iOS devices.
However, it didn’t comply with Apple’s privacy terms. App users could earn gift cards worth $20, but in return, they allowed Facebook to access almost all data on their smartphones – what they search for via web browsers, when and how they use other apps on their phones. The company was going to use the data for market research purposes, but they received complaints from Apple that it violated its data collection guidelines.
Controversy Despite Consent
The above-mentioned app was controversial for many reasons, primarily because teenagers, i.e. minors, could also download the app and participate in the research. Although their parents signed consent forms, this issue was brought up as well, and the app was finally shut down.
Have you ever participated in any market research on Facebook? Did you encounter any privacy issues? Let us know in the comments section below.
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