How To Fix Pink And Green Lines On Samsung Galaxy S9 Display

There have been complaints from some users of the new Galaxy S9, as amazing as the S9 is, it has its issues too just like any other smartphone. One of these issues that the users have complained about is seeing pink and green lines on their device screen and when they are browsing the web.
This issue has been popularly connected to a display malfunction as a result of exposure to water or liquid.
This can be quite discouraging because of the level of trust that users of the Galaxy S9 have about their device. One of the major reasons why the Galaxy S9 has a lot of people going for it is because it is believed to be waterproof, which makes it discouraging to realize that it is still vulnerable.
Now that you have realized that your Galaxy S9 is not really waterproof, the only thing left to do is to find a solution to this issue.
You don’t have to insert your Galaxy S9 in a pool of water to experience this issue; your Galaxy S9 can start misbehaving by the charging port getting in contact with moisture as well as other hardware parts of your Galaxy S9.
Source of the Lines
Simply put, the AMOLED display has become faulty, and this is the reason why you see the lines on your screen. This can be a very frustrating issue, and it has made a lot of users to lose faith in the efficiency of the Samsung series. But there is no need to lose all hope and get upset. There are few effective ways to fix the issue of lines being displayed on your device screen.
In this article, I will explain some ways that you can use to solve the water damaged Galaxy S9. It is important that as soon as your Galaxy S9 has been in contact with liquid, you should act fast. You can lessen the damage by applying these solutions as quickly as possible.
Possible Solutions
The first thing you should do is to power off your Galaxy S9. Leave it off for at least an hour. This method has worked for some owners. After leaving it for some minutes and then switching it on again, the lines have greatly reduced.
You can also try to edit the display settings of your Galaxy S9. The default display setting for the AMOLED feature is on Cinema mode; you can switch this to Photo or Basic Mode and see if it works. It will usually decrease the lines on your screen.
You may need a new AMOLED display for your Galaxy S9. It is quite expensive. That’s why we recommend you visit a Samsung shop. Have a professional look at it. If you’re still under warranty, you can probably get a repair or replacement for free.
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