Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus Sound Problems (Fix!)

It’s hard to use a smartphone without any sounds emitting from it. If your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus experience this type of issue, here’s how you can fix it.
One of the reasons as to why an individual purchase a smartphone is because of entertainment purposes, like watching movies on your phone or simply listening to your favorite songs on it. However, if your smartphone is not emitting any sounds on it speakers, there’s a possibility that there’s an issue going on on your phone that needs to be fixed as soon as possible to not further any damage. This issue can be experienced by all smartphones in the world. And if you’re currently using Samsung’s latest flagship phones, the Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus, you’re not an exception from this issue.
If you recently purchased Samsung’s latest smartphones and is currently suffering from audio-related issues, you can try out these tips we’ll be giving in this article. Note that audio issues corporates voice-related problems especially when you’re using your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus for phone calls.
A lot of users stated that the audio level of their Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus is not sufficient for their usage. To fix these issue, perform each step we will be catering below precisely.
How to Solve Sound Problems on Galaxy S9
- Shut down your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus then remove the SIM card from it. Once removed, wait for a few seconds then reinsert your SIM card again. Boot your phone and it shall do the trick
- Sometimes, dirt may clutter up the microphone and the speaker of your smartphone, resulting in inaudible audio. What you can do is to blow your phone a blast of pressurized or compressed air for a minute or so to clean it well enough. Once you’ve finished cleaning your phone, double check whether the issue is still occurring
- One more culprit as to why you experience sound issues is that you’re currently connected into a Bluetooth connection with a faulty speaker on it. What you can do is deactivate the Bluetooth feature on your smartphone then check whether it has fixed the issue
Clear Cache Partition
- Most of the time, hardware issues such as the speaker and mic not functioning are due to a faulty software system. In order to fix this, it’s best that you wipe out the cache of your smartphone and check if it has solved the issue. In order to wipe away the cache of your phone, proceed to this article: How To Clear Cache On Galaxy S9 And Galaxy S9 Plus
- If you’ve done all the steps above, and nothing worked, your last resort would be putting your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus into recovery mode. This shall fix all software related issues on your smartphone, including the sound-related issues. To perform it, proceed to this article: How To Enter Galaxy S9 And Galaxy S9 Plus Recovery Mode
Further Steps
Performing the steps above shall help you solve the audio issues on your phone. Note that if you’ve done all the steps above and still the issue persists, the last thing you can do is take back your unit to the store you purchased it from and have a replacement unit from it. You’re lucky if it’s still under the warranty contract for you’ll get a free replacement for it!
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