Galaxy S9 Error “ has stopped” (Solution)

For users of the new Samsung Galaxy S9, it is useful to know how to fix the common error “ has stopped” message that often shows up on the Samsung Galaxy S9.
If you get the “ has stopped” error on your Galaxy S9, it simply means a system component error has occurred. It can seem like a random occurrence, but you will have trust the action of your smartphone on this one.
The error simply means that a specific Galaxy system component is not working correctly with the current firmware version. To disable this error, you have to disable system functions.
System errors often occur when the system UI and general performance problem are running through the Galaxy S9 system. The incompatibility of the system UI interface with some components causes such errors because the front-end of the system that deals with the home screen, launchers, wallpapers and themes or skins.
The system UI does not necessarily have to be loaded to make the changes needed for the ’’’’ error.
There is no cause for alarm because your Samsung Galaxy S9 will work correctly without it. You do not even have to under any complicated system settings process.
Install the Package Disabler Pro App to Get Rid of the “ has stopped” Error
- Turn on your Galaxy S9 and launch the Google Play Store app
- Search for ’’Package Disabler Pro’’ on the search box at the top of the screen
- Download and install the app
- Launch the app and search for the ’’Samsung.faceservice’’ entry
- Click on the checkbox next to the entry to block the service
Henceforth, your Samsung Galaxy S9 will be free of any “ has stopped” error messages.
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