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Home Cut the Cord How to Hard Factory Reset Your Bose Soundbar 300

How to Hard Factory Reset Your Bose Soundbar 300

How to Hard Factory Reset Your Bose Soundbar 300

The Bose Corporation has been around since the Cold War era. Founded by the son of an immigrant family, today, the Bose brand is known the world over for its unmatched sound equipment and attention to details.

Bose’s soundbars are among the best out there. However, even they can run into problems from time to time. If a problem is severe, you can always reset your soundbar to factory settings. Let’s see how to do it.

The Bose Soundbar

Bose used to be the unmatched leader in its department. While Harman International was always ready to give Bose a tough challenge, there was still not much competition as far as genuinely inspirational sound was concerned.

But with the coming of the 21st century, many challengers rose to the spotlight. Sonos, a high-end audio equipment brand launched in 2001, sees Bose as its direct rival in delivering high-quality sound. Dr. Dre’s Beats Electronics, now owned by Apple, also plays in the same ballpark.

There are also other worthy competitors, such as Philips, Polk Audio, Sony, and Yamaha. But it would be safe to assume that very few models made by these companies have caught the public’s imagination in the same way that Bose’s have.

The Bose Soundbar, as the name suggests, is a single piece of a wall-to-wall bar that delivers rich and textured sound. Whether you want to use it as your TV’s speaker or you want to hook it up to your computer, the layered bass sounds and ambiance will not leave you disappointed.

Bose Soundbar 300

How to Factory Reset My Bose Soundbar?

You can get pretty much any device back to its original state with a factory reset. However, any settings changes, or any data stored on the device will get lost when you hard reset it.

Some Bose soundbar users claim that their device can’t connect to their laptop’s Bluetooth, or even that it can’t connect to their Wi-Fi network. We’d still recommend that you check out all options because hard resetting is an irreversible process.

Factory resetting is not the best option when you’re trying to troubleshoot an issue. And yet, when one runs out of all possible solutions, it’s the safest option to take.

Here are the steps you need to follow if you want to factory reset your Bose Soundbar.

Step One

Take your Bose soundbar 300 remote and press the SoundTouch button.

Step Two

Now, press and hold the Teletext button (you’ll find it on the right of the CC button) until all the front LED lights begin to flash amber. The lights correspond to Wi-Fi, TV, SoundTouch, and Bluetooth, respectively.

The lights might light up from left to right and then right to left in succession for a while during this step.

Step Three

While you’re holding the Teletext button, the Wi-Fi LED on your Soundbar 300 will begin to glow solid amber or stop flashing.

Now, open the SoundTouch app on your computer or mobile device, and reconnect the Soundbar 300 to your network.

Your Soundbar 300 Is Back to Its Original Settings

If you followed the above steps, your Soundbar should now be as good as new. It should be ready to connect to any device for the first time.

So, reconnect your device to your TV or mobile device, and enjoy using the Soundbar again!


If there are issues that even factory resetting can’t resolve, then we can offer one more piece of advice. Sometimes, while during Step Two mentioned in this article, you might see that your Wi-Fi LED never gets to a solid amber and continues to flash for several minutes.

If your LEDs won’t stop blinking in succession, your last resort is to attempt a power cycle of the device. You can do this by unplugging your Soundbar 300 from the power source for 30 seconds, and then reconnecting it. That should resolve the problem.

Hard Factory Reset Bose Soundbar 300

Enjoy Your Bose Soundbar

But if you’re still running into trouble even after following all these steps, you might want to contact Bose’s support team. You can also take your soundbar to the nearest Bose repair shop.

How do you like your soundbar? Is it true that no brand can match Bose’s sound? Let us know in the comments section below.

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4 thoughts on “How to Hard Factory Reset Your Bose Soundbar 300”

Simeon Swetzof says:
is there any place that tells yu how to reset your password
David A Clyborne says:
my Bose soundtouch 300 will not power up. Just stopped working
Mel Thomas says:
My front speakers on my Soundtouch 300 soundbar seem to work how to reset the rear speakers as they seem to now not be working?
Randy Gray says:
I purchased the 300 sound bar and wireless subwoofer with the 2 wireless side speakers a couple of years ago from Best Buy. The sound has never been anywhere near the quality that I had expected for the money spent. Now I need to find out why or replace the system. I tried a 150.00 samsung bar with wireless subwoofer and it is just about the same quality as the 1800.00 Bose system. Very frustrated.

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Kerry Bayley

Dec 27, 2019

My career as a project manager has given me plenty of time to get familiar with the full Microsoft suite, as well as a host of other tools, all of which I write about online.

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