How To Fix Blurry Pictures On Samsung Galaxy J5

The Samsung Galaxy J5 feature a great powerful camera. Some have reported that the Samsung Galaxy sometimes takes blurry pictures and videos. Below we’ll explain several different ways you can fix the Galaxy J5 blurry picture problem that causes photos and videos not to be focused and be low quality.
The process to fix blurry pictures and videos on your new Samsung Galaxy J5 is very simple and will help reduce the amount pictures that are not focused correctly. The main reason that the Galaxy J5 is taking blurry pictures and videos is because you might have forgotten to take off the protective plastic casing that is on the camera lens and heart rate monitor of the Galaxy J5.
All you need to do is remove the plastic casting from the camera before you can start taking high quality pictures and videos on your Samsung Galaxy J5. If removing the plastic wrap from the camera of the Galaxy J5 doesn’t work, try the following steps.
How to fix fuzzy images and videos on Galaxy J5:
- Turn on the Galaxy J5.
- Open the Camera app.
- Go to Settings which can be seen in the lower left side of the screen.
- Look for the “Picture Stabilization” option and disable it.
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