How To Fix Galaxy S8 And Galaxy S8 Plus Email Not Working Problem
If you got used to checking your emails right from your Samsung Galaxy S8 but the app recently stopped working, you have all the reasons to want to fix it sooner rather than later. Not that it makes you feel even just a little better, though, you’re one of the many Samsung users who is dealing with this type of situation.
With some users, the manual sync stopped working; others cannot delete the emails that they receive, while a significant percentage of them cannot receive emails at all.
As you may already suspect by now, it could be a problem with the device or with the email app itself. To test the latter, suffices to try another email app by using Gmail, Outlook, Mailbox or anything else you prefer.
If those ones work and yours still doesn’t or if you’re simply not ready to give up on it, there are some things you can try on your own:
- Begin by deleting your email account from the Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone. Reboot the device and reactivate your old email account, to see how it goes when you start it from scratch.
- If you’re only having problems with the work-related emails, you can take advantage of the IT department’s presence and ask them if there’s anything you should know of or anything you could do to keep receiving your work emails on your personal phone.
- Alternatively, you could try a wipe cache partition – power off the device and tap and hold the 3 buttons (Power, Home, Volume Up) until you see the Android icon and the Recovery Menu text on the screen. In there, use the same Volume Down and Power keys to highlight and initiate the Wipe Cache Partition option and then the Reboot System Now option.
When you have tried all these without success, back everything up and do the factory reset. It should give your Samsung Galaxy S8 a clean start and get you rid of the email not working properly problem.
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