How To Fix Galaxy S9 Authentication Error

Do you own a Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone? If you do, are you experiencing authentication errors when you try to connect to different Wi-Fi networks? If you are getting the authentication error message, then it means that you are not getting connected to Wi-Fi networks. This is undesirable because it is hindering you from accessing useful information on the internet when, presumably, you were trying to connect to a network for a reason. On top of that, it’s probably forcing you to use up data that you otherwise wouldn’t need to use. We thought we could surprise you with a quick way to fix such inconvenient issues, so as to continue enjoying a smooth experience on your Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone.
Before you do anything else, we recommend restarting your Galaxy S9 as a way of fixing the authentication error. Not only is this method simple (to the point of being fool proof, really), but it also can help fix any other glitches that are preventing your smartphone from performing at its best.
Your smartphone will display the authentication error whenever it identifies the Wi-Fi connection whose sign-in credentials you provide as being wrong. If the authentication of Wi-Fi connectivity is wrong then you need to be alert, because there is definitely something amiss that needs to be fixed. Below are some possible fixes to the authentication error on the Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone.
Authentication Error For Galaxy S9
If you have enabled WAP on your Galaxy S9, you should ensure that the Bluetooth connection is turned off. By powering off the Bluetooth, you should restore proper Wi-Fi connectivity with no issues at all.
Rebooting the Wireless Router
You should try the solutions above before you decide to tamper with the router or modem settings. However, if the above solutions don’t work, it would be best to just reboot your wireless router, rather than trying to do anything more complicated with it. In some cases, you will notice that the Wi-Fi IP address doesn’t match the ones on all the smartphones using the same Wi-Fi network. This is usually the cause of the authentication error on the Samsung Galaxy S9, and rebooting the modem or router should help fix it.
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