How To Fix Huawei P10 Won’t Rotate Problem And Gyro Stopped Working

The Huawei P10 was one of the most successful flagships launched in 2017. Unfortunately, there were a number of reported issues with the Huawei P10 after launch. One of the issues on the Huawei P10 is that the sometimes the gyro and accelerometer stop working. When this happens, the Huawei P10 won’t rotate when you tilt the display. This problem can happen even when screen rotation is switched on.
Sometimes this gyro and accelerometer problem can also cause the camera interface to be shown upside down. This issue can be very frustrating to deal with so we’ll be providing some tips on how you can fix it. If after following these steps the issue still persists, we would suggest updating your Huawei P10 to the latest software update.
The first method to fix the screen rotate problem is to hard reset the Huawei P10.
Alternatively, you can perform a test on your device to see whether or not the gyroscope and accelerometer are functioning properly. By doing this test you’ll be able to figure out what has gone wrong with your Huawei P10. To do the test, open the dialler app and type *#0*#, then press call. This will take you to the service mode screen. From here, tap the ‘sensors’ button to do a self test.
If you cannot access the service screen, it may be because your network operator disabled it on your Huawei P10. If this is the case, you’ll need to follow our guide to reset the Huawei P10 to its factory defaults to resolve the issue. Read this guide to factory reset your Huawei P10.
According to some users, hitting the back of your Huawei P10 with the back of your hand can fix the accelerometer and gyroscope problems in some cases. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee that this method won’t damage your Huawei P10 further.
Unfortunately, the most tried and trusted method to fix the Huawei P10 is the hard reset option we mentioned above. It’s important to understand that performing a hard reset will cause your Huawei P10 to lose all of it’s files, so make sure to backup your data first. You can backup your data by visiting the settings app and tapping the backup & reset option. After you’ve backed up your data, follow our hard reset guide for the Huawei P10 here.
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