How To Fix No Service On Samsung Galaxy S7 Active

A very common issue on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Active is that there will be a “No Service” error. This issue is similar to when the Galaxy S7 Active is not registered on a network and No Signal on the GS7 Active occurs. It’s recommend to read, how to restore IMEI number and fix no signal error, before continuing with the article. As the previous article generally fixes the “No Service” issues on a Samsung Galaxy S7 Active.
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Issues Causing Samsung Galaxy Galaxy S7 Active No Service Error
The main reason that the Galaxy S7 Active No Service error happens is because the radio signal is turned off on the smartphone. This signal sometimes turns off automatically when there is an issues with the WiFi and GPS.
How To Fix Samsung Galaxy No Service
The way to fix a “No Service” issue on a Samsung Galaxy S7 Active is to follow these steps:
- Go to the Dial pad
- Type in (*#*#4636#*#*) NOTE: No need to press the send button, it will automatically appear the Service mode
- Enter Service mode
- Select on “Device information” or “Phone information”
- Select Run Ping test
- Click on the Turn Radio Off button and then the Galaxy will restart
- Select reboot
Fix IMEI Number
When there is a No service error on the Galaxy S7 Active, most of the time it occurs because of a nulled or unknown IEMI number. The following article will teach Samsung Galaxy owners how to check if the IMEI number is nulled or corrupted: Restore Galaxy Null IMEI # and Fix Not Registered on Network
Change SIM Card
The SIM card can also be an issue causing the “No Service” message and by checking to see if the SIM card in inserted correctly or replacing the SIM card with a new one, this should fix the “No Service” on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Active.
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