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How To Fix WiFi Problem On Galaxy S9 And Galaxy S9 Plus

How To Fix WiFi Problem On Galaxy S9 And Galaxy S9 Plus

One common complaint most users of the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus had with their smartphone is that they have been facing WiFi connectivity issues. Some users say they can easily connect to any network, yet the WiFi continuously drops while other users report that they are unable to connect the phone to the local wireless network. Some users even say they have a perfectly fine wireless connection, but they just can’t use the Internet at all.

What Makes Your WiFi Fail

Many factors can contribute to WiFi problems on your Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 plus. It may be that your phone, the modem or the router that you are using for setting up this connection are causing the problem. If you have several different devices using the same network and dealing with the same issue, you should contact the Internet provider and ask for some guidance but if your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 plus is the only device on the network having this issue, here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to the Settings menu
  2. Navigate to the WiFi panel
  3. Click on your WiFi network
  4. Tap on Forget
  5. Leave the menus and Switch off the phone
  6. Power the device back after a couple of minutes
  7. Go back to the Wifi settings
  8. Reconnect to your network
  9. Enter the password to access the WiFi

The step above is how you can refresh the network connectivity on your Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 plus. However, if the procedure didn’t fix your WiFi issues, you can try to:

  1. Reboot your modem
  2. Unplugged power adapter and let it sit for about 30 seconds
  3. Plug the modem back
  4. Wait and let the device be fully functional
  5. Reconnect your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus with the modern

Alternatively, You can also check the status of your current operating system by following the guide below:

  1. Go to settings
  2. Tap on the About Phone section
  3. You will see “Software Updates panel,” click and see if there a new OS update available to run

If none of the methods we explain above works, then the only option left is to test other WiFi connections and check if you can use them. However, if the problem is still the same, there is a possibility that you’re dealing with a hardware problem. It is recommended you take the phone back to the store where you purchase it, or you visit a nearby technician who knows how to do the job.

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Jenny Compton

Apr 15, 2018

83 Articles Published
