How To Get Samsung Galaxy Note 5 To Read Text

The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has a feature that allows it to read text or speak the text. This feature on the Galaxy Note 5 is easy and can be down through the settings of the smartphone. While on other smartphones, you may need to go to the Google Play Store and download app named Text-to-Speech to get the smartphone to read text out loud.
Using the Galaxy Note 5 feature, you can get your Note 5 to read text out loud, which makes the Note 5 to speak translations, a book and many more cool things. You can also use the read text feature on the Samsung Note 5 for different languages besides english.
For those interested in getting the most out of your Samsung device, then make sure to check out Samsung’s Note 5 phone case, wireless charging pad, external portable battery pack, and the Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband for the ultimate experience with your Samsung device.
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The following is a step by step guide on how to set up the Galaxy Note 5 to read text allowed and make life much easier.
// <![CDATA[
(function() {
var ARTICLE_URL = window.location.href;
var CONTENT_ID = 'everything';
// ]]>
How To Get Galaxy Note 5 To Read Text:
- Turn on the Samsung Note 5.
- Go to the Note 5 home screen.
- Select on Settings.
- Navigate to System.
- Select Language & input.
- Hit Text-to-speech options under Speech section.
- Choose the TTS engine you want to use:
- Samsung text-to-speech engine.
- Google Text-to-speech engine.
- Next to the search engine, select the Settings icon.
- Select Install voice data.
- Hit Download.
- Now wait for the language to be downloaded.
- Select the Back key.
- Select Language.
After you have followed the steps above to get your Galaxy Note 5 to read text, go to the Home screen, select Apps and then select S Voice. After you get to S Voice, select the Recent Apps key and then select Set driving mode on. To turn off driving mode touch the Recent Appskey again and then touch Set driving mode off.
It’s important to note that the Galaxy Note 5 read text feature is not meant for those that are visually impaired, as the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 will speak everything you do in real time, like which menu screen you’re on, where you’re tapping, and what your notifications say.
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