How To Use Apple iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max And iPhone XR Split Screen View And Multi Window

Split and multiscreen is similar to the feature that PC and Mac users have used for years to make it easy to do tasks that require or, at least, make tasks more efficient that involve more than one window. It’s cumbersome and inefficient to have to bring one window to the foreground. Now that smartphones, tablets, and phablets (a cross between a smartphone and a tablet) are powerful computers, you need many of the same features in order to get things done.
With a smartphone, in particular, you might also want to have several windows open at the same time in order to multitask. For example, you might have two messaging apps open simultaneously in a split-screen to be able to hold messaging interactions with two people simultaneously without having to switch which application window’s in the foreground.
Can the iPhone do Multi-Window?
The new Apple iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR have a feature that makes it possible for users to view and use more than one app at a time, this feature is known as the “Split Screen View” and Multi-Window Mode.
If you are a fan of multitasking on smartphones, then this feature is the right one for you, because it makes it possible to run two apps at the same time on your Apple iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and the iPhone XR.

If you are interested in using this feature on your Apple iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR and you do not know how to go about it, then this article is the right one for you. I will explain everything that you need to know about using the Split Screen View, which is also known as the Multi-Window Mode.
The first thing that you will need to do is to activate this feature in the Settings option of your device. Follow the guidelines below to learn how you can easily use this feature on your iPhone.
Enable Multi-Window Mode On iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and the iPhone XR
The first thing is to activate the Multi Window feature in the Settings menu of your device by following the instruction below assuming you have your iPhone handy and, of course, the power’s on:
- Tap Settings
- Tap on Display & Brightness
- Scroll down to find View then tap on View
- Tap the Zoomed tab
- Tap Set (located in the upper right of your screen)
- Confirm Use Zoomed
When you are done following the steps above, you will be able to use the Multi Window Mode on your iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR.
The Multi-Window Mode feature makes it easy for owners of the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR to use more than one app at a time.
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Can you Run Two Apps at Once on the iPhone?
There are some limitations for the older iPhonse, but these can be fixed with the use of a few apps. If you want to be able to type and look at another window at the same time, you can use a few apps that will let you do this easily.
Split Screen Multitasking View for iPhone & iPad
The most hilarious thing about this app is the title, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying the benefits of this app. Split Screen does exactly what it says it’s going to do and lets you view two streams at once, view more than one social media network, or you can compare two different things at once.

This app works well in landscape or portrait mode. There are multiple customization modes for the app as well, and it’s not too pricey for the average person. At $4.99, you can’t go wrong with the options available to you in the app. If you want, you can download more customization options on the app, as well. Just like your computer, you can shink, or enlarge the windows you want to see. There are also browzing options like parental control and private browsing.

There are other similar apps that do the same thing, like Split for ioS 6 or higher, but it doesn’t contain all of the customization options that the above app does. However, it is free, so if you want to play around with an app before you buy the superior Split Screen app, you can do so with Split.
Do you have any tips and tricks for making more efficient use of your iPhone? If so, please leave a comment below.
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