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How to Refer Someone for StockX

How to Refer Someone for StockX

You’ve probably noticed that many bloggers, influencers, even major media outlets have referral links to StockX. All you have to do is click on the link, and you’re directed to the StockX website.

These clicks generate traffic, and StockX will pay a commission for it. If you have an online platform and want to refer other people to StockX, you can do so.

In this article, we’re going to show you how the process of signing up for the StockX affiliate program works. And what you can expect from the program itself.

StockX Affiliate Program

Just like any successful online company, StockX recognizes the importance of online marketing. Primarily, how the social media landscape is populated with many users and influencers who continually promote companies or specific products.

But here’s the thing, you don’t have to be internet famous to become StockX affiliate partner. According to the company, almost anyone has the chance to make money, referring people to the StockX website.

However, it’s important to remember that even though anyone can theoretically apply, StockX will only work with individuals and companies that are compatible with their brand. Also, it doesn’t cost anything to become a StockX affiliate partner, but it is an opportunity for you to get paid.

When someone clicks on the referral link, StockX stores the click ID. They use it to track all the sales on their website. And if the person buys something within 15 days from the time they clicked on your referral link, you’ll get the credit.

StockX uses the Impact platform to conduct their Affiliate Program. It’s a Cloud-based system that creates automatic links for the affiliate programs. It’s a reliable third-party system many companies like StockX use, and that you’ll need in order to start your affiliate program with them.

Refer Someone for StockX

How to Sign Up for StockX Affiliate Partnership

Before you start thinking about how to create as much traffic to StockX as you can, you have to register as a publisher on Impact. You can fill out the entire form by going to this page directly.

In case you already are an Impact publisher, just select the “I am an Existing User” on the page and move on. After you complete and submit the application for the affiliate partnership, StockX will take a few days to review it.

It takes a bit of time because it’s not an automated process. StockX will go through it manually and decide if you’re the right fit for them.


Impact has a tool that’s called “Deep-linking”. You can use it to create a specific StockX URL for referral on your platform. Here’s how you can generate the referral URL:

  1. On your Impact login page, select the link icon from the menu (vertical panel on the left side of your screen.)
  2. If you want to promote a specific StockX product, find it on the StockX website and copy the link.
  3. Next, paste the link in the “Generate” field on Impact.
  4. Instantly, you’ll be able to see the one-of-a-kind tracking link and the message next to it that says, “Use this link to promote StockX”.

Impact Deep-Linking Chrome Extension

If you’re planning to create more of these links, you can even use a Chrome extension for that. Just install the Impact deep-linking extension on your browser.

It’s probably going to make things more convenient. If you have the extension, you can create the links directly from the StockX page. And you can also post them directly to your social media pages.

But in order for the extension to work, you must go to your account and enable the API Access. All you have to do is go to the navigation bar and then select “API”, followed by “Enable API Access Now”.

How to Refer for StockX

How Much Does It Pay?

Everything you make with the StockX referral link comes from the Impact platform. Once you reach the $50 threshold, Impact will issue monthly payments.

When it comes to commissions, new customers are the quickest way to make money. A purchase from a new customer will give you a 3% commission.

And every returning customer delivers 1%. But that’s for the sneakers, collectibles, and streetwear items. Handbags and watches pay more, with new customers bringing the 4% commission and returning buyers bringing 2%.

Referring StockX Can Be Lucrative

It might seem like the StockX affiliate program commissions are too small and that it doesn’t seem worth it. But you have to remember that StockX mostly has high-value items for sale. If your platform generates a lot of traffic, some people will buy the product you’re referring them to. In turn, you can make a lot of money. But it’s up to you to figure out the best way to do that.

Have you ever had to create a referral link for StockX before? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Anna Middleton

May 19, 2020

283 Articles Published
