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How To Contact Roku Customer Service

How To Contact Roku Customer Service

One of the great things about Roku is that it just works. However, if you do have issues, there is a support infrastructure in place to help. If you need to contact Roku customer service, they do make it easy to do so.

Roku is an awesome way to access TV channels from across the world and TV shows you may never have heard of. It comes as a small dongle or box and remote control and uses your WiFi network to stream content to a TV, phone or tablet.

Roku gives you access to a couple thousand TV channels, can access Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube, BBC, Deezer and other favorites as well as hundreds of channels you have never heard of. Most channels are free but some have a subscription which you manage through Roku.

Contact Roku customer service

Unlike many newer companies that like to obfuscate their support behind several layers of website or not display them at all, Roku has a good support network. The downside is that there is no email address or phone number that I can find.

Roku doesn’t list a phone number so I cannot provide that here. If you do a basic internet search you will see lots of numbers listed for Roku, a few of them legit looking toll free ones. However, there are lots of companies out there who offer Roku support who are not linked or affiliated with the company at all. While they may be real and offer good quality support, they are businesses and will likely charge you for anything they do to help. I would rather not provide a phone number at all rather than provide one to a company who wanted your money!

Common Roku issues and solutions

Roku is a simple system that works flawlessly the majority of the time. Things can go wrong though. Here are some of the most common issues I have seen and how to fix them.

Roku remote control issues

The Roku remote is a key aspect of the system. Without it you cannot do much unless you use your smartphone as the remote, which is great but means you always need your phone close to hand when watching TV.

If you’re having issues with the remote, here are a few things you can do to get it working again.

  1. Remove the batteries, leave for 60 seconds, replace the batteries. If the batteries have been in the remote for a while, replace them with new ones.
  2. If you’re using the IR remote, make sure the dongle or box is in line of sight of the control. Use an HDMI extender cable if the control cannot see the dongle. Get one free from Roku here.
  3. Control issues can be caused by wireless interference if using the WiFi remote. Use a WiFi scanner app to check what channels are busy and what channels are less used. Change your Roku’s WiFi channel on your router to help with connectivity.

General Roku issues

There are a few common issues with Roku that can easily be fixed with the right knowhow. Here are a few common issues I have seen with my own Roku and those of friends, along with their fixes.

  • Check for WiFi channel congestion like in the last tip above. Use a WiFi analyzer app to see what channels have the least traffic or strongest signal where your Roku box is and use that.
  • Stuttering while in the EPG (the Roku menus) indicates that your Roku player is due a reboot. This is mainly for the player rather than dongle, but it will work on both. Turn it off, leave for 10-15 seconds and turn it back on. The menus should work fine again now.
  • Any issues with selecting channels or displaying them can be due to old firmware that won’t sync properly with channel servers. Go to Settings on your Roku box and select System and then System Update. Let the Roku update if available and then retest.
  • You can force a channel update if yours aren’t displaying properly. Use the Roku remote, press Home five times, fast forward three times and rewind twice. This takes you to the ‘secret’ screen which can force a firmware update or reload. Scroll down to Update Software and select it.

So now you know how to contact Roku customer support and how to fix a few common issues yourself. Got any other fixes you think we should know about?

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15 thoughts on “How To Contact Roku Customer Service”

Loraine Berry says:
Why am I being charged for Roku twice? For Bell Media and for RLJ Entertain.
Jane Coates says:
I purchased the Roku streaming stick 4K In April. I have not been able To resolve the issue since then. The stick doesn’t fit in my HDMI slot on my tv. The Let’s Get Started booklet says you can order a free HDMI extender cable at And the form comes up easy peasy, right? NOOOO. It says my serial number is incorrect. It is NOT! I have entered it different ways (an O might be a numeric 0). Might need to put SN: in front of the number. It won’t take it any of the ways I’ve tried. Then you finally get to chat online with someone and then a new page pops up and you have to pay $1 …. Which means they (whoever “they” are) will have your credit card number!?!?! All I want is that stupid extender cable and wouldn’t you think that would be easy enough?!?!? At this point, I really
just want my $37.61 back and you know what they can do with the stick. I don’t want to deal with Tony anything once I get this resolved done way or another!
Steven Anderson says:
I have done everything you say to do even rebooting my router signal is fine so i reboot the 2 rokus I own and still the programming blacks out on newsmax rav and oann is this programming censorship also I am sick of hearing weird Al and your roku ads that play every 5 minuets on just about every show I watch, Can you please play something different? your ad SUCKS and is irritating as hell
Carla says:
I am un able to connect my TV to my ruku remote off my cell phone. When I type in the ip address it isn’t registering. It’s telling my the ip address is in correct. How do I connect my TV to my cell phone to connect the ruku remote off my cell phone?
Robert S. Stack says:
While on your ROKU device last night while watching a Tom Clancy movie, the picture I got on my Samsung TV screen was, for want of a better expression, “chopped off” on the right-hand side of my TV screen from top to bottom and this is the very first time this has happened so I need to have it fixed ASAP as it worked just fine before last night’s presentation!
mary ellen anderson says:
ie had the roku for a few years now i cant connect to any of the apps
Gloria Wallner says:
I can’t connect my new Roku. I need more help than is available on the help site.
regina celis says:
i would like to cancel the roku service cause i dont use it anymore the account no is8162728107DE so you dont need to charge me the monthly fee for $12.99 ples delete my account asap thank you
Tom Hahn says:
I have paid for the film Prometheus twice. The first time it did not play at all. The second today, it is playing and there is no sound. Every other streaming service works fine. I have used ROW8 in the past and it worked. Will you refund my paying twice and help me to fix the problem.
Thomas Beer says:
How do I set the channel on the TV? I cannot move the arrow from the left to the right to connect with Netflix or Prim Video. Do I need a passwork?
Caroline Nelson says:
Streaming problems, want to get HD activated. Can’t stream Prime
ruben says:
need my pass word forgot it
Dave Reierson says:
I have a Roku 3 streaming device. The mobil hotspot from my Samsung phone works well, but utterly fails with my iPhone 6s. Is there a fix or do I need to buy an Apple TV and dump one of my Roku boxes?
Karen Hartneck says:
Please can I talk to a support person regarding my Roku? I have been trying all morning
Jeannie says:
I have 2 remotes and starting today neither of them gives me any control over audio. I do have sound (loud) but n volume control or mute. Across the bottom of the screen is a narrow red band that says full HD , super sound and super sensor. A white band under it lists adjustments for sound and picture but not how to adjust them.
karen hatch says:
need help two days
Arthur McCrea says:
Tried to add PBS & Fox news. Went to &, got code & was asked for network provider. I’m in a rural area with a local provider not on the list. Therefore cannot activate the channels. How can I receive them?

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Sep 12, 2017

943 Articles Published
