Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Reset To Factory Defaults – Solved!

With advancements being made in the smartphone industry to come up with devices that can overcome all the blemishes associated with these types of devices from time to time, no one can come to the perfect solution.
Yes, we can have smartphones that are really smart, but along the way, you will start experiencing some issues. One amazing Android smartphone that is close to perfection is the Samsung Galaxy Note 9.
If you own one of these devices you will agree with me that it is indeed a powerhouse but like any other smartphone, it is likely to give you some issues with time. The good news is that most of the problems are caused by updates and third party apps and you can eliminate all these possible causes of your Galaxy Note 9 problems by resetting the factory defaults.
You should only opt for this solution if the problem with your Galaxy smartphone is too serious. Also, do this if you want to sell the Note 9 without leaving a trace of what was there before. You should be very cautious when undertaking the factory reset operation.
This is because it is usually gets rid of all the data installed on your device after you purchased it. In other words, the factory reset ensures that your smartphone returns to the original condition it was in when it came out of the Samsung warehouses. Of course the physical condition won’t have any effect as a result of the factory reset. The same goes for any other hardware components.
If you are determined to go down the lane of a factory reset, this article is the perfect read for you. It is actually quite easy and straightforward as you shall see later on.
But before you start this process, we recommend that you back up all your data on an external storage or the cloud storage. This will ensure that you don’t lose some useful files and data after this operation is complete.
Backing up your data is not complicated, all you have to do is go to the Settings menu then tap on the Backup & Reset option.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Factory Reset – Instructions
Alternative 1
You can reset the factory settings on your Samsung Galaxy Note 9 by going to the android settings first.
- In your settings menu, go to General administration
- Now tap on Reset to factory Settings
- From here, all you have to do is follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process of resetting your Galaxy Note 9 to factory defaults
Alternative 2
The alternative procedure requires that you reset your Samsung Galaxy Note 9 factory settings through the hard reset process. You can achieve this from the Android recovery menu as follows
- Switch off your device first
- Press the power button, volume up and Bixby buttons all at the same time
- When the Android log appears on the screen, you can let go of the power button. However, continue holding down the volume up and Bixby buttons
- The recovery menu should come up after a few seconds. When it does, you can let go of the volume up and Bixby buttons
- Using the volume buttons, scroll through the menus to locate the Wipe Data/Factory Reset option
- With the power button, select this option and perform the operation
This operation will reset the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 back to the factory defaults. And any data that you fail to save will be go with the wind irretrievably after a factory reset.
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