What Is Family Sharing in Seesaw?

It can be difficult to stand out in the sea of learning platforms because you have to offer something that other platforms don’t have. Seesaw managed to attract many kids and parents by its unique and modern approach.
On this platform, parents can actively participate in their kid’s learning process and see all their achievements. If you’re new to Seesaw, we’ll explain to you what’s family sharing and how to get the most out of the platform.
What Can Family Members See?
In more traditional school systems, the only feedback that a parent can get is feedback from the teacher. Sometimes it can be challenging to explain the child’s progress with words and grades.
Seesaw allows you to see the assignments and exercises that your child has completed. It is a small revolution in the learning system, as it brings parents, kids, and teachers closer. Students can create their online journals where they can express and practice everything they have learned.
Parents can see the journal if the teacher permits them. However, you’ll only be able to see assignments your child completed. Due to high privacy standards, there’s no way to access other students’ journals.
Seesaw Family App
There’s even a separate Seesaw Family app for parents. Parents can download it from the App Store or Google Play. Creating a parent profile is effortless as the app is pretty intuitive. Moreover, translation to other languages is also available in this app.
You can track your kid’s progress, see all their work in one place, and get in touch with their teachers through the app. Also, you can even set push notifications to ping you every time your child posts something.
Of course, it’d be good to let your children know that you’re using the app, so they won’t feel as if you were secretly controlling them.
The good news is that parent’s app is free, and there are no in-app purchases.
How to Enable Family Sharing?
All Seesaw journals are private unless the administrator sets it differently. In this case, the teacher is the administrator. If you’re a parent, you’ll have to ask your kid’s teacher to share their journal with you. Don’t worry, as most teachers will be glad to share your kid’s journal with you.
Seesaw encourages communication between teachers and parents, so make sure you explore all the options available on the platform. Also, the teacher can send you a direct message, and you can reply.
On the other hand, if you’re a teacher, we’ll explain to you how to enable family sharing. Here’s what you have to do:
- Click on the wrench icon in the top right corner.
- Open the Settings.
- Scroll down until you see “Family likes, comments, and sharing.”
- Enable that option.
Alternatively, if you want to disable family sharing, you can do so by simply turning that option off.
Invite Family to Join
After enabling family sharing, teachers also have to invite family members to join. It’s possible to invite up to ten family members per child. Of course, the whole family can participate, but it would be wise to be selective with that. You never know who could share the child’s photos on their social media.
Teachers usually invite parents of their students, but they can also invite siblings. It can be interesting if the kids aren’t in the same class. Younger siblings can learn a lot from observing the journal made by their brother or sister. Also, this is an excellent way to show them that school can be interesting.
Here’s how teachers can invite family to join:
- Open the Students List.
- At the bottom of the list, you’ll see the Add Family button. Click or tap it.
- Enter the e-mail of a family member you’d like to invite and send out the invitation. You could also use their phone number.
Parents and other family members will receive the teacher’s invitation, and they have to click on Connect to Student’s Journal to accept it. They can log in either through a Family app or browser.
Learn Together
Learning is a long-time process that doesn’t end at school. We can achieve more if we’re working together. Seesaw has a unique approach that allows family and school to co-operate to help kids make better results. Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, we hope that this article was useful to you.
Do you like the Seesaw platform? What’s your favorite feature? Hit the comments section and let us know.
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