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How to Send Message in Telegram

How to Send Message in Telegram

Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app that adds a lot of convenience to your communication. The platform lets you transfer conversations between computers, smartphones, and tablets. It also provides great security, owing to the secret chats feature. But how exactly do you send messages on Telegram?

In this entry, we’ll go through all intricacies of Telegram messaging.

How to Send a Message on Telegram

Sending a message on Telegram is just as easy as with other similar apps:

  1. Download and install the app from Google Play or App Store.
  2. Type in your phone number and enter the verification code Telegram sends you.
  3. Add a picture and your name.
  4. Allow Telegram to access your contacts list.
  5. Hit “Contacts” in the lower part of your screen, and you’ll see a list of friends using the app.
  6. Select a friend and use the text field to type and send your message.


How to Send a Message to Myself on Telegram

You can send a message to yourself with the “Saved Messages” function:

  1. Open the app and go to the menu in the top-left corner.
  2. Press “Saved Messages.”
  3. Type your message here, and you’re all done.

How to Send a Message to a Bot on Telegram

Once Telegram bots are set up, users can interact with them by sending commands, messages, or requests. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Start Telegram and enter your log-in information.
  2. Type in “@Botfather” in your search bar and choose the bot that appears in the search results.
  3. Press the “Start” button to activate the bot.
  4. Enter “/newbot” and send the command.
  5. Select a name and username for the bot. Users will be able to find their bot by searching for its username, but it mustn’t overlap with other bots’ usernames.
  6. Once you’ve chosen an appropriate name for the bot, it will be created. You’ll then receive a link to the bot, suggestions on setting up the profile picture, commands for managing the bot, and some other details.
  7. Follow your link and you’ll be able to send your bot a message the same way you do with your friends.

How to Send a Voice Message on Telegram

If you’re too busy to type, sending a voice message to your friend will save you some time:

  1. Open Telegram and go to your chat windows.
  2. Choose a chat and tap the microphone symbol in the lower-right corner.
  3. Hold the symbol and start talking.
  4. Once you’re done, release the symbol, and the voice message will be sent.
Telegram Send Message

How to Send a Direct Message on Telegram

Direct messages are also referred to as private messages on Telegram. Sending them is relatively straightforward:

  1. Launch Telegram.
  2. Press “New message.”
  3. Select the recipient of the message.
  4. Press the username of the person to open your chat with them.
  5. Type in your message.
  6. Hit the “Send” button, and you’re good to go.

How to Send a Video Message on Telegram

Telegram doesn’t lag behind other platforms in terms of the media you can send through the app. One of your options is a video message:

  1. Start the app and open a chat.
  2. Hit the microphone symbol to launch camera mode.
  3. Hold the camera symbol and record your message.
  4. Release your recording button, and the message will be sent.

How to Send a Message on Telegram With an API

Using an API to send your Telegram message is a bit more complex. You’ll require the services of a bot:

  1. Find the Botfather bot by looking it up in your search box.
  2. Once you’ve set up your bot, type in “/newbot” in the chat box. You’ll then be asked to name your bot and give it a username. You’ll then receive a link to the bot and your API token.
  3. Click the link to reach the box where you’ll receive your messages. Since bots are designed not to send spam, they can’t start a chat, meaning that you’ll need to send a message first to allow the bot to text you back.
  4. You now need to call Telegram’s API to obtain your chat_id. You have two methods here.
  5. The first one comes down to reading the text you sent using curl and its getUpdates approach: curl
  6. Alternatively, you can use Python 3:
    • >>> import requests
    • >>> token = {YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}
    • >>> url = f'{token}/getUpdates'
    • >>>
  7. You should then receive your JSON payload: {"ok":true,"result":[{"update_id":12671344, "message":{"message_id":30,"from":{"id":{YOUR_ID},"is_bot":false,"first_name": "{YOUR_NAME}" ,"username":"{YOUR_USERNAME}","language_code":"en"},"chat":{"id":{YOUR_CHAT_ID},"first_name":"{YOUR_FIRST_NAME}","username":"{YOUR_USERNAME}","type":"private"},"date":1560719493,"text":"{YOUR_SENT_MESSAGE}"}}]}
  8. Use {YOUR_CHAT_ID} number that consists of approximately nine numbers.
  9. You’ll now be able to send a message with the sendMessage function: curl -d chat_id={YOUR_CHAT_ID} -d text="test msg from curl"{YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}/sendMessage
  10. Another option is Python 3:
    • >>> import requests
    • >>> token = {YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}
    • >>> url = f'{token}/sendMessage'
    • >>> data = {'chat_id': {YOUR_CHAT_ID}, 'text': 'python msg'}
    • >>>, data).json()
  11. You’ve now successfully sent a message using Telegram’s API.

What to Do if Telegram Fails to Send a Message

If your Telegram doesn’t send a message for some reason, two simple solutions might do the trick:

  1. Return to Telegram’s front page and head back to your message.
  2. Alternatively, restart the app, return to the message and try to re-send it.

What to Do if Telegram Is Unable to Send a Message

If you can’t send your message and the problem persists, your best option is to reach out to Telegram’s customer support. You can describe your issue here, enter your phone number, and leave your email address. Hopefully, their team will feed you a viable solution.

Additional FAQs

How Can I Send Message to Telegram API?

Sending a message to Telegram’s API requires you to set up a bot. Next, you’ll need to use curl or Python 3 to generate your chat_id and send your message using the sendMessage command.

Can Telegram Send SMS?

Unfortunately, you can’t send an SMS using Telegram. The app still doesn’t support this feature.

Step Up Your Chat Game

If you thought you might not be into Telegram due to cumbersome messaging features, all your worries are now dispelled. The app is easy to use, and once you’ve activated it, texting is just as easy as on any other platform. Best of all, you can send videos, voice messages, and even set up bots and issue various commands. The options are nearly endless.

Have you set up your Telegram profile? Do you find the interface user-friendly? Are all the features easily accessible? Let us know in the comments section below.

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2 thoughts on “How to Send Message in Telegram”

ម៉ា នុត says:
Dibya says:
Thank you so much

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Kerry Bayley

Mar 20, 2021

My career as a project manager has given me plenty of time to get familiar with the full Microsoft suite, as well as a host of other tools, all of which I write about online.

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