20 Fantastic SVG Animation Examples

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an image format written in XML. With SVG, you can code a two-dimensional scalable graphics. Then, you can implement and modify them in CSS and JavaScript.
SVG allows three types of graphics: vector shapes (straight and curved lines in all directions and shapes), images, and text. Because of its various capabilities, web designers turn to SVG to make complex animations. They are easy to install, don’t lose quality when resized, and don’t require any third-party apps to work.
Since animations are still growing in popularity, most are not familiar with them. This article will highlight 20 fantastic SVG animations that show the potential of this format.
1. Medical SVG Icons by kittons
This warm and smooth animation is great for any health-related website. While you list through the different threads, the images will subtly appear. The ambulance car or the atom will construct, the eye will open, and the doctor will jump out. This animation shows all the fun and dynamism of SVG.
2. Hover by SeanMcCaffery
Universal animation that you can put to any interactive website. The subtle appearance of the borders when you hover leaves you with a satisfying feel and invites you to click the link.
3. Pull Down to Refresh (Paper Plane) by Nikolay Talanov
Usually, pages will refresh when you “pull down” on them. This animation brings this to a new level. When you pull down to release it, you will launch a paper plane into the sky. If you want your visitors to refresh your app often, you should consider adding an animation like this.
4. Just Keep Going by Diaco M. Lotfollahi
An SVG animation that shows the potential of the Scaling Vector. The smooth accurate movement of the human body is hypnotizing.
5. SVG Filters Added to the HTML5 Video
Paul Irish from the Google Chrome team looked at how SVG can modify content outside of vector graphics. He combined CSS and SVG to make amazing visual filters to show that SVG animation can be a fine addition to a ready-made video.
6. Jigsaw Puzzle
You can make amazing interactive jigsaw puzzles with SVG animation. In this example, we can choose one of many pictures and see how it deconstructs to many little pieces of the puzzle. You can reconstruct it as well!
7. Liner Gradient by Patrick Young
If you are into neon lights and beautiful fonts, you will enjoy this animation. This work shows how you don’t need any moving lines for a brilliant animation, just a great font and proper color code with gradient effect.
8. Let’s Travel by jjperezaguinaga
Two airplanes and a hot air balloon revolving around popular landmarks of the world. This animation is colorful, optimistic, and mind-blowing. It shows everything that you can do if you are skillful in SVG.
9. Clock by Mohamad Mohebifar
A simple SVG animation of a moving clock that shows the current time. The soothing movement of the pointers and minimalistic design do wonders for this animation.
10. Animated Icons by Luigi De Rosa
If you hover over these icons you will trigger the animations, which are simple but effective. You can see that you don’t have to do wonders to make an impressive animated icon.
11. All Devices in SVG by Chris Gannon
A one-take animation that goes over all the smart devices that we use in the most creative way. The desktop will turn into a laptop, laptop into a tablet, then into a smartphone.
12. Waterfall by Chris Gannon
Another one by Chris Gannon, this is a neat demonstration of a foaming waterfall bottom. The movement of the water is neat, and you can see small drops of the splashing water leaving the animation’s borders to make everything appear more realistic.
13. Plant Generator by Blake Bowen
Now this one is something else. When you click on the ‘Create’ button, you will see plants rising and growing. But each time you click, different patterns will form.
14. Clickable Icon by Hamish Williams
Another interactive SVG that triggers an animation once you click on it. This one will initiate the “Send” animation once you click it.
15. New Cake by Marco Barría
Interesting animation that shows the making of a cake layer by layer. It’s an impressive SVG animation suitable for a birthday card.
16. Paper Shredder by Chris Gannon
If you enjoy watching paper shredding, you will enjoy this animation which depicts a machine shredding paper by paper unlimited times in a seamless sequence.
17. Low PolyLion by GRAYGHOST
This is a mind-blowing illustration and animation that depicts a lion’s head appearing and disappearing in the form of animated polygons.
18. Hourglass Loader by Leela
Another effective animation that uses only SVG. Every 5 seconds, the hourglass will turn upside down and start a new cycle.
19. Responsive Cow by Sarah Drasner
This is a funny interactive animation which allows you to click on a cow and drag it around the moon while a baffled astronaut looks at it.
20. Student by Domany
An enthusiastic student appears ready to learn! It’s a great animation where the book pages are turning neatly. No blinking from the student, but this is still a perfectly tidy animation to conclude this list.
Your Turn
What are your favorite SVG animations not included in this list? Share your picks in the comments below!
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