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Home PC Windows The Most Useful VLC Keyboard Shortcuts for OS X and Windows

The Most Useful VLC Keyboard Shortcuts for OS X and Windows

The Most Useful VLC Keyboard Shortcuts for OS X and Windows

VideoLAN’s VLC Media Player is an essential application that almost every computer owner should install. The free multi-platform software, first introduced in 2001, can play nearly all audio and video formats, from MP3s to DVDs to FLAC.
While many have installed and used the software, few take the time to master its controls. VLC’s interface has improved over time, but little-known keyboard shortcuts are often the best way to navigate your media files. Here are some of our most-used VLC keyboard shortcuts.

ActionShortcut (Windows)Shortcut (OS X)
Toggle Pause & PlaySpacebarSpacebar
Change VolumeCTRL+Up / CTRL+DownCommand+Up / Command+Down
Toggle Audio MuteMCommand+ALT+Down
Open FileCTRL+OCommand+O
Toggle Fullscreen ModeFCommand+F
Toggle SubtitlesVS
Toggle Audio TrackBL
Increase Playback Speed+Command+=
Decrease Playback SpeedCommand+-
Cycle Aspect RatioAA
Cycle Crop RatioCC
Cycle ZoomZZ
Show Playback TimeTT
Advance Frame-by-FrameEE
Load Next File in PlaylistNCommand+Right
Restart Current File from BeginningPCommand+Left
QuitALT+F4 or CTRL+QCommand+Q

Now head over to, grab a copy of VLC for Windows, OS X, or Linux, and start controlling and navigating your media files like a pro.

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2 thoughts on “The Most Useful VLC Keyboard Shortcuts for OS X and Windows”

Timothy says:
Great Vlc shortcut. Thanks
adarsh says:
I use VLC Mobile Remote app on my phone – It has all the features such as play, forward, full screen, file browse/selection,crop, aspect ratio, screenshot, subtitle, audio delay sync and many more features, once you got this you will never worry about vlc hotkeys.
Available on Android play store & Windows phone and supports Windows, Linux, Mac VLC. Give it a try, it’s free. Here is the link –

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Jim Tanous

May 14, 2013

675 Articles Published
