Who Is the Top Lyft Driver?

Getting someone else to drive you through traffic congestion on busy streets is often money well spent. When we’re getting ready for an important meeting or a big event, not worrying about how to get there is a significant stress-saver.
With that in mind, Lyft drivers are dedicated to taking you wherever you want to go, safely and reliably. Here, you’ll find out who’s the top Lyft driver and how you can help the drivers who do a good job by rating them regularly and fairly.
Who Is the Top Lyft Driver?
Every Lyft driver creates an experience for their customers. And becoming a Top Lyft Driver takes a lot more than just a smooth drive around town. With its new pilot program, Lyft Preferred, Lyft selects its top drivers to participate and gives them a chance to earn more through the new status.
What Is Lyft Preferred?
Lyft decided to introduce a new level of service in which a customer can pay extra for amenities like a newer car, additional legroom, or a more skilled driver. Every driver that wants to participate in the new Lyft Preferred program needs to meet certain requirements:
- Every driver has to have a rating of 4.9 or above.
- The driver’s car should be relatively new ( purchased after 2014).
- The driver should have more than 300 Lyft lifetime rides.
- The car should have more than 37-inches of legroom.
- The driver needs to reside in one of the cities where Lyft Preferred is tested.
Rate a Driver’s Ratings on Lyft
Lyft introduced a mutual rating system that works for both drivers and customers. After every ride, the driver and the rider have the opportunity to rate each other as both a driver and a passenger. Lyft believes that’s how you can build a good reputation.
Every driver gets a rating based on the average ratings of the last hundred drives. If a driver has a canceled drive or a missed drive request, it won’t affect their ratings. If a ride gets five stars, the customer can add details about what was exceptional about the ride – the driver’s navigational skills, whether they made interesting small talk, or if it was a nice car. If the ride was graded with less than five stars, passengers can note the problems or mention something the driver needs to do to improve.
How to Rate a Driver
Once the ride’s over, the passenger has two hours to rate the driver through Rate and Pay on Lyft. After the payment, the rider won’t be able to directly place a rating through Rate and Pay, but they can through the app. As a way to support Lyft drivers, if a passenger doesn’t leave any rating or feedback at the end of the ride, the driver automatically gets a five-star rating.
Here’s how you can add your feedback after the drive:
- Open the “Menu” option on the top left corner.
- Go to “Ride history” and select your driver’s profile.
- Go to “Get help” and tap on “Submit the feedback on the driver.”
- Write your feedback or change what you’ve previously stated.
Rider Ratings
If you’re a Lyft driver who’s been busy all day and haven’t had time to check your ratings, once you’re finished for the day, you can access all of the ratings for the day through the Lyft app. Here’s how to access them:
- Open your Lyft app.
- Click on the menu icon.
- Choose the “View Profile” option under your profile name.
- There you can see all your data and an average rating.
Every Lyft driver has a rating calculation based on the last hundred rides. When you combine the rating of all those rides, and calculate the average, that’s your rating.
How to Rate a Passenger
As previously mentioned, both driver and passenger can grade each other. If a driver wants to rate a passenger after the drive, they can locate the icon star and decide how many stars they wish to give them. If no rating is given or the driver has forgotten to leave a rating, the app will automatically assign a five-star rating to the customer’s profile.
Some drivers like to add all their ratings manually by selecting all passengers’ profiles. For any rating below five stars, there will be a comment box to leave feedback. If a passenger has a rating of three stars or less, the app will never match them with that person again.
Paring Drivers with Passengers
Every driving app has an algorithm that pairs drivers with passengers that are in their proximity. That way, a driver’s ETA is lower, which increases the chance for passengers to be more satisfied with service. If a driver in the area has rated the passenger with three or fewer stars, they will not be paired with the rider despite the close proximity.
How to Use the Lyft App
To use Lyft to request a drive, here’s how to do it:
- Open your Lyft app and go to “Search Destination.”
- Choose your destination and type the exact address.
- Decide on the ride type you want. You can choose from Shared, Lux, and Wait and Save.
- Click “Select Lyft.”
- Confirm the pickup address and click “Confirm and Request.”
Just Drive
Lyft started as a carpool service, and today its mission is to connect people. With its app, it enables users to find great drivers quickly.
Now that you know how to spot a top Lyft driver and how the platform works, you can rest assured that Lyft can help you reach your destination safe and sound. Are you using Lyft to commute? Have you ever considered working as a Lyft driver?
Let us know in the comments section below.
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