VMware Fusion 8 Benchmarks vs. Fusion 7 and Boot Camp

Passmark PerformanceTest 8.0
Similar to PCMark, Passmark PerformanceTest 8.0 is another benchmark that aims to take an overall look at system performance. It measures CPU, 2D graphics, 3D graphics, and memory performance to calculate an overall Passmark rating, which forms the basis of the Passmark benchmark database. Results are reported both as an overall score and as individual scores within each testing category. A higher score equals better performance.
It should be noted that Passmark PerformanceTest also includes a disk test, but we have excluded it from these charts due to an issue that incorrectly deflates disk performance in Boot Camp. For those interested in disk performance, check out our dedicated File Transfer testing on page 13.
Fusion 8 doesn’t offer any improvements over Fusion 7 when it comes to 2D graphics acceleration, but the results are clear in every other category. The largest jump is 3D graphics, where Fusion 8’s new graphics implementation delivers a 153 percent increase in performance, with this jump contributing much to Fusion 8’s overall score advantage over Fusion 7.
Table of Contents
[one_half padding=”0 5px 20px 0″]
1. Introduction
2. Fusion 8 New Features & Overview
3. Hardware, Software, and Testing Methodology
4. Geekbench
5. 3DMark (2013)
6. 3DMark06
7. FurMark OpenGL Benchmark
8. Cinebench R15
[one_half_last padding=”0 0px 20px 5px”]
9. PCMark 8
10. Passmark PerformanceTest 8.0
11. x264 Encoding
12. x265 Encoding
13. File Transfers
14. Virtual Machine Management
15. Conclusions
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