4 Websites To Help You Build your Own PC

Here’s the deal: You’re looking to get a new computer. But you don’t just want any computer. You want one that’s perfectly crafted to your exact specifications, be it a media hub, a super-powered gaming rig, or a web-server.
Unfortunately, the price tag on most top of the line pre-built systems is…well, rather obscenely steep.
If you’re looking to save your wallet and use up some of your spare time, why not build your own system?
In the same way preparing a meal at home costs less than purchasing it in a restaurant, building your own computer with parts purchased directly from their respective manufacturers costs much less than having someone else put everything together for you. Granted, it’s a job that requires a bit of tactical know-how and elbow grease, and you won’t really have much of a warranty to speak of. (except on the individual pieces of hardware.) Unfortunately, this also means you’re more or less on your own if something goes wrong, too, unless you’re willing to take it to a repair shop and pay them an hourly wage to fix things up good as new.
If you haven’t been scared off of the idea just yet, here’s a few websites to help you on your way.
GPU Review: If you’re looking to put a dedicated graphics card into your PC, this website’s a godsend- it lists product reviews, performance statistics and benchmarks for a graphics card, which can then be pitted against another model. It’s a great way to set up a side-by-side comparison of two potential cards, in order to help you decide which one to purchase.
Motherboards.Org: A good motherboard is a must- buy yourself a dud, and you could very well end up having to scrap your project and start from scratch. This website includes the latest news and information on computer hardware alongside motherboard reviews- keep an eye on this one, and it should be a great help in choosing for yourself a motherboard.
Tom’s Hardware: An “everything” website for PC tech-heads, Tom’s Hardware includes hardware reviews, benchmark statistics, and even a step-by-step guide for putting together your own rig.
Memory Express: This website right here- and the brick-and-mortar stores that may or may not be located in your city- is just one of many wholesale computer retailers, but it’s one of the best. Featuring reasonable warranties, excellent pricing and a top-notch selection, this is probably where you’ll be doing most of your shopping for parts.
As a bonus, you can also check out PCMech’s own tutorial: Build Your Own PC.
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