What Are The New Emoji Symbols On SnapChat: Use This Symbol Guide

For those wanting to know what the new Snapchat emoji symbols mean, there is several different things that they repersent and these emojis have replaced the ‘Best Friends’ feature with Friend Emojis smilies.
This new feature was updated to Snapchat today and you don’t need to update Snapchat to see these emoji symbols. Snapchat used the Snap Channel of the Discover section on the app to announce the new feature rather than sending out a press release or putting up a blog post. Part of the new Snapchat feature will notify people that you could be neglecting in a new ‘Needs Love’ section.
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Below are examples of what the Snapchat emojis mean:
The fire symbol emoji on snapchat means that you’ve snapped back and forth for consecutive days. The heart symbol emoji means you’re each other best friends.The cool glasses symbol emoji means that one of your best friends are their best friends. The blushing symbol emoji means another best friends of yours. The smirking symbol emoji or sideways smile symbol means that you’re their best friend, but they’re not yours.
In addition to the emoji symbol on Snapchat, it has also added a a low-light camera feature to improve image quality in dark places like bars. This feature will allow the camera to detect if you are in a dark place and you’ll see a little moon icon appear on the screen. After you select on this new feature, the image will instantly brighten up, making it easier to share photos at night.
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Via: [ The Next Web ]
Source: [ Snapchat ]
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