What Is a High-Resolution JPG

Even though the photos you find online may all look fine to you, the difference can be quite substantial when you print the picture out or zoom in. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell which JPG files are high-resolution and which are not suitable for printing. Read on and learn how to determine which images are high-resolution.
The Difference Between Hi-Res and Low-Res Images
High-resolution images are clear even when you zoom in or print them out on a large paper or billboard. They will look the same in all sizes and you won’t be able to see individual pixels.
Low-resolution images, on the other hand, become fuzzy when you zoom in, and curved lines look like they are made from many tiny squares. The same thing happens when you try to print out a lo-res image on a piece of paper. Whether it’s a logo or a photo, you will be able to see each pixel, and it will look unprofessional.
What Are Pixels?
Pixels are the tiny squares of color that make up an image. These are the picture elements that form everything we see when we watch TV or a computer screen.
If you are over 25 years old, you probably remember those distinctive low-tech aesthetics from the 90s and early 2000s. 2D video games like Super Mario and other games from the same time period are all pixelated. The technology at the time couldn’t cope with enough pixels to provide a high-resolution video because it lacked processing power and memory.
However, as things progressed, the GPUs in our devices became much more powerful, which led to a drastic increase in the number of pixels generated in the same area. More pixels per square inch means that an image is clearer and sharper.
Image quality will also depend on the size of your screen. For example, HD resolution has 1080p (p stands for pixels), and that’s enough for most devices. But 1080p might not be enough for large televisions.
Count the Pixels
Lo-res images can have 72 pixels per inch, which is the standard resolution for images used on the web. These are suitable for ads, online images, etc. because they are displayed only on your computer or smartphone screens. One upside of using low-res images is that it helps websites load more easily, as these images are smaller in size.
On the other hand, hi-res JPG images have at least 300 pixels per square inch. That’s the minimum pixel number you need to be able to print the image without it becoming fuzzy or blurred.
Online Pixel Counting Tool
If you are not sure about the quality of a JPG file, you can always use an online measuring tool to figure it out. Online Pixel Ruler allows you to take print screens of the images you want to measure, and the tool will do all the rest. You will know precisely how many pixels each image has in both height and length. That way, you will know which images can be printed and which ones are only for online use.
Know Your JPG Files
Hi-res images are more versatile and more useful than lo-res JPG files, especially when you want to print them out. It is possible to convert a hi-res image into a lo-res one, in case you want to upload it to a website. However, you can’t create a high-resolution image out of a low-resolution one, as the information simply isn’t there.
Over to You
What resolutions do you usually work with? Which tools do you prefer to use to count the pixels? Share your experiences in the comment section below.v
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