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Home Social Media Wickr Won’t Let Me Register – What to Do?

Wickr Won’t Let Me Register – What to Do?

Wickr Won’t Let Me Register – What to Do?

In recent years, Wickr’s instant messenger app is becoming more and more popular.

The reason for this is simple – it’s deemed as one of the safest current encrypted IM apps around. Thus, it’s not strange to see the number of users growing every day.

However, the increased traffic can cause other types of issues. For instance, traffic congestion may cause a glitch on the server, preventing you from creating an account. But before you start blaming the traffic, make sure that you’ve done everything properly.

This article will guide you through Wickr’s registration process and warn you about potential issues that may occur.

How to Register a Wickr Account?

First of all, you need to make sure that you’ve followed the regular process of creating an account.

If you tried to register from a third-party tool or if you entered invalid information, the app may reject your registration.

Follow these steps to register properly:

  1. Download and install the Wicker app for your device (iTunes|Play Store|Windows). If you download it from another source, you risk getting infected by malicious software. Also, it may prevent you from registering.
  2. Launch the app when installed.
  3. Select the “Create Account” button.
    wickr create account
  4. Enter your desired Wickr username and password.
    create account
  5. Press the “Submit” button.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the account creation process.

If the app still rejects your account creation, then you should check out some other things.

It Might Be a Potential Username Issue

Look for a checkmark button next to the username bar.

If you don’t see one, it means that your username is invalid. Here are some things that you should pay attention to when creating your personal account name.

  1. You can only use alphanumeric characters (nothing except numbers and letters).
  2. You mustn’t use less than four and more than 15 characters.
  3. The app doesn’t allow @ symbol – you can’t put your email in your username.
  4. The app doesn’t allow white spaces (newline, tab, or space) – it doesn’t let you use your real name (Jack Jackson, for example).

However, there’s a catch. The app doesn’t use the real-time username check. There’s a chance, albeit a small one, that someone else registered with your user name while you were creating the account.

In that case, you need to exit the app and try again and check if the checkmark is now gone.

This issue is regular with spammers who occasionally register a large number of usernames in a short amount of time.

It Might Be a Password Problem

If the checkmark is next to your username and you still can’t register, it’s time to move to a password.

Luckily, it follows the same procedure as the username. If a checkmark is next to the password bar, it’s all fine. If not – you need to react.

A good password should have a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Additionally, you should add at least one number or a special symbol (space is also allowed). It should consist of at least eight characters.

If a checkmark isn’t visible on your password confirmation bar (below the password bar) it means that the passwords don’t match. You can easily fix this mistake.

It May Be an Account Issue

If you already have an account on another device, you can’t register the same account again. Instead, you should use the “Sign In” option below the “Create Account” button.

Also, if you’ve ever terminated your account before, you may not be able to register a new one with the same username. It’s the app’s policy to avoid any impersonation issues.

It’s the same if you forget your password. If there’s no way to retrieve it, you’ll need to register a unique account again.

There Might Be a Bug

As already stated, sometimes both the problem and its resolution are out of your hands.

Occasionally, the app will announce a bag or a glitch in the system that prevents you from creating an account.

Such was the bug that caused some devices to display a generic error message when users tried to set up an account.

Therefore, if you get an error message saying that your account has been suspended (for example), it may actually mean that the username is already taken. So type in a new, more distinctive name and try again.

Also, when there’s a traffic overload, there’s a chance that you can’t create a new account. If nothing above works, then you have to be patient and try again at a later time.

No Reason to Worry

None of the above issues is any reason to worry. If you can’t register an account at the present time it doesn’t mean that you’ll never have your Wickr account.

Make sure to thoroughly read all the above possibilities and see if you’ve done everything properly. If you still can’t make progress, you can only wait until the system loosens.

Have you managed to create an account after this article? If so, what was the issue? Have you waited for some time before trying again? Leave all your thoughts and comments in the section at the bottom of the page.

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2 thoughts on “Wickr Won’t Let Me Register – What to Do?”

Francis says:
Refuses to let me back on
ben says:
Wait, so if the username is taken instead of saying so it just… does nothing. Congrats, worst design of the year

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Kerry Bayley

Feb 17, 2020

My career as a project manager has given me plenty of time to get familiar with the full Microsoft suite, as well as a host of other tools, all of which I write about online.

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