Wundermap Review

Wundermap was the weather app to beat all other weather apps. It was accurate, could track microclimates, offered exceptionally detailed weather data on just about anywhere in the world and worked on both Android and iOS. Search for it now though and it is nowhere to be seen. It has been replaced by Weather Underground but is still referred to as Wundermap.
Weather Underground are the people behind Wundermap and they have retired the app in favor of something fresher and more universal. However, to muddy the waters a little, even Weather Underground refer to elements of their app as Wundermap, so I shall keep using that name as it’s what I remember it as.
- Wundermap for iTunes is available here.
- Wundermap for Android is available here.
Review of the Wundermap app
Wundermap is different to move commercial weather operations as it uses data from both local and home weather stations. It has over 180,000 of them across the globe, offering up to the minute weather information as well as map data, storm warnings and all sorts of weathery goodness.
This crowdsourcing of weather data does add a lot of detail to what is acquired from local and commercial weather stations. This is especially useful for more changeable areas where you can get almost real time data of everything from air pressure, wind speed, temperature, cloud cover and anything else you might need. It’s ideal for anyone into outdoor sports, sailing or flying.
All you need to do to get it working is download the app, allow it access to location services and you’re ready to go. It works by adding layers into a map depending on what data you’re looking for. You can have simple overview or more detail barometric pressure or wind speed too.
The original Wundermap app was good but had a few bugs. The new app for both Android and iOS work well and have fewer bugs that I have seen. The app itself is free but contains in-app purchases to remove ads. The ads are not intrusive and are regarded as safe. Contribute weather data to the app ads are removed for free in return.
If you’re visiting a new area or like exploring different places, the Weather Webcam aspect of the app and website is pretty cool. There are a list of the 50 latest webcams on the site that you can access with a tap or a click. Each offers an insight into one part of the world, from here at home to Europe, Asia and even Australia. Definitely one for the weather voyeur!
It takes a little while to fully get to grips with the amount of data available in Wundermaps but most of it is labeled or comes with a legend so you can quickly understand what is going on. The app is happy being just a basic weather app but is capable of so much more. Considering it’s only $1.99 a year, there is every reason to use it if you are even the slightest bit interested in weather.
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