Is YouTube for Kids Safe to Use?

Many people ask whether YouTube Kids is safe or not, and it is a complicated question. It is the same type as “is the internet safe” or “is YouTube safe.” Honestly, those are questions that don’t have simple answers. They are all burning topics that need further discussion.
Some people will agree that YouTube Kids is very safe, while others will be firmly against it. YouTube is trying its best to keep its platform for children safe. They aren’t always successful because of all the malevolent people out there trying to make it worse.
In essence, YouTube Kids is safe, but keep reading to learn more.
Is It Entirely Safe?
YouTube Kids is a web platform that uses YouTube’s fantastic video algorithm to determine which content is suited for kids, and which isn’t. As you may imagine, this A.I. algorithm is flawed, and it can never be perfect.
Even YouTube and Google don’t have enough resources to monitor the kid-oriented video platform entirely and ban all the inappropriate content immediately. It takes time to remove all the nudity, violence, sexual, and other inappropriate content from YouTube.
The same applies to regular YouTube and YouTube Kids. Of course, the kids’ version is much safer and better suited for children than regular YouTube. It is still not perfect, but for the most part, it is excellent. Most of its content is cartoons and educational programming.
What’s great is that a parent can fully customize their children’s viewing experience on YouTube Kids. You can report and block inappropriate content from your child’s profile. Also, you can disable the search bar, whitelist only specific channels, and create playlists, etc.
You can read all about these features on TechJunkie. Make sure to use the search bar to find our other articles on this topic.
Why YouTube Kids Isn’t Completely Safe
The internet will never be entirely safe for children, and you should know that. Not a single site or part of the internet is a safe place, ridden of inappropriate content. Even when the very purpose of a site is to be safe and reliable, it cannot be 100%.
There will always be people with bad intentions who want to spoil something pure. The same sort of people kept abusing YouTube Kids and posted some dangerous content on this children’s platform.
Not only were there sexually inappropriate channels and videos (nudity, sex talk, etc.) on YouTube Kids, there were also some pretty violent ones. Some uploaders even added hidden suicide instructions to cartoons for children.
It happened on YouTube Kids, but thanks to the concerned parents and YouTube’s swift reactions, all of these horrid videos got taken down. The problem is, these types of videos can crop up once again.
When they do, they might not be taken down fast enough. At least some children will see them, which may cause trauma, or worse.
How to Use YouTube Kids Safely
Reading the first portion of the article, one might think otherwise, but it’s not all doom and gloom in the YouTube Kids world. Instead of trying to fix the impossible, here is some sensible advice.
YouTube Kids is an excellent platform despite the occasional slip-up. The best way to use it is through the mobile app. Download the app on Google Play Store for Android or the Apple App Store for iOS devices. The app gives you more control and customization options.
It is far better than the web version, although most people are used to the web version of YouTube. Another suggestion is to sign up for a free YouTube account (or use your regular Google account you have from before).
When you sign in, you can set specific parental controls and have full control over your child’s viewing experience on YouTube Kids. Our advice is to disable the search bar, pick the appropriate content depending on your child’s age, and perhaps even only let them watch the channels you approve.
This way, you can create fun or educational playlist they can watch as much as they want. It will give you peace of mind and keep that entertained.
You Are in Control
YouTube Kids will be as safe as you make it for your child. Take some time and customize your child’s YouTube feed. You don’t always have to follow their every step on the internet. YouTube Kids has some pretty neat parental control options, so you should use them to your advantage.
The chances of your child seeing something inappropriate are, in reality, minimal. YouTube has made sure of that. You can make sure of that, as well. In case your kid comes across something inappropriate, make sure to block and report the video and the channel as fast as possible.
What’s your experience with YouTube Kids? Do you let your young one watch the regular YouTube? Talk to us in the comments section below.
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